Imagine walking into a cloud of cotton candy, and then imagine seeing an old fashioned candy shop where the walls are painted pastel pink, baby blue, and cool mint. It's like a dream and then imagine seeing your baby girl's monogram MSC on it all. All the feelings of magic turn to feelings of serendipity. This moment was nothing short of a dream come true!
What a whirlwind of a vacation and it was pure magic. I had absolutely no idea how much Ryan and I would love Disney World. We went into this trip with the mentality that we were doing this solely for Magnolia. I have friends that are diehard Disney fanatics, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would love this trip as much as them. Ryan and I even walked into the parks on the first day being secretly pessimistic because the crowds were gawd-awful (and I even like the energy of crowds) and somehow the magic took us over. It was the smell of waffle cones being made and cotton candy being spun, it was glittery fireworks in the sky every hour, the parades and marching bands, princesses surprising us around every corner, the sound of laughter in the air, it was everything magical all at once. Literally, it swept us off our feet! We were having just as much fun as Magnolia.
Filling our home with all the shiny tinsel, glittery jewels, felt candy canes, fuzzy yarn, velvet ribbon, disco balls & sparkle stars, and unlimited cups of overflowing hot chocolate.
For this DIY you'll need this $5 tinsel wreath, fuzzy yarns, and felt candy canes. Hobby Lobby has the best selection of yarns and ribbons, and usually on sale every other week. All of the supplies for this DIY can be purchased locally or ordered online. I removed all the plastic bulbs from the wreath and then tied the yarns and ribbons around the wreath frame until it was as full as I wished. Lastly, added the felt candy canes. You can see the steps on my Instagram reel here.
Our new doctor, Dr. Riggs at Blue Sky, ran every test under the sun. No kidding, over 300 tests just on me alone (the genetic carrier test was 274 of that), and praise the Lord I'm so grateful everything came back normal. The only thing against us this time around is my age and the fact that my 41 year old ovaries were cut on during the laparoscopy for endometriosis in June. He's not even worried about the endometriosis, he's confident he can get to the eggs just fine. Now we just pray and believe I have a few golden eggs remaining and we can make a healthy embryo. I'm taking all the supplements and living the cleanest lifestyle possible, something I've been doing for many many years.
I remember when we did IVF in 2015 for Magnolia and the pure amazement we felt about the science that goes into it all. What I remember the very most were the prayers and miracles along the way. While the science is astonishing, the prayers and faith and miracles are life changing. I am forever changed because of our first (one and only) golden embryo, Magnolia, and will always give the Glory to God for the gift of her. I'll be sharing more along the way because I believe in the power of prayer more than anything else. I'll forever be grateful for the friends and family that prayed for us during IVF in 2015. And now seven years later, all three of us cannot thank you more for reading this and praying for a brother or sister for our Magnolia Caroline.
'Tis the season for all the DIYs that make the home feel merry & bright. My fuzzy yarn and frilly ribbon collection is growing and now I just want to decorate everything. I found this little $5 wire Christmas tree at the Target's Bullseye Playground. For this project you simply tie knots of yarn and ribbon around the wire until you're happy with the look. I added little disco balls from the Dollar Tree & felt peppermints found here.
Bringing all the magic of Christmas to our home this holiday season. This little project is so easy and will be so much fun on Christma Eve night as we sprinkle the magical reindeer food on our lawn. Shopping links here:
Yarn here or here and also at Hobby Lobby
Bells can be found at Dollar Tree or Amazon here
Classic Christmas Sprinkle Mix here
For the free printable below you'll want to right-click on it, save it to your computer, and then place it inside a word or pages document and adjust size to six inches tall. You can print up to three per page on landscape setting. Use a hole puncher and attach to filled bulbs using yarn of your choice. I have a reel on Instagram here that you can watch. I used a muffin pan to hold bulbs as I filled with the reindeer food.
Hey, friends!!!
We all love a good SNEAK-PEEK & I've got one for you today! Yesterday, my sister and niece came over before school, to model Little Lucca Love's cozy collection coming November 25th! I'm IN LOVE with the gray romper and all the soft + cozy outfits perfect for cold winter days.
If you're on Facebook make sure to join the LLL VIP Group for shop updates including important drop dates, sneak-peaks, Q&As, and discount codes, tap here.
Little Lucca Love on Instagram, tap here.
LLL website will be ready for shopping this collection on 11/25, tap here.
It's the HAPPIEST TIME OF THE YEAR, and this is also my favorite time to do little crafts while I sip on a hot drink and listen to Christmas music. I have a growing drawer full of fuzzy yarn and frilly ribbon and I wanted to make something to hang on our dining room cabinet. I saw something similar on Instagram and had to recreate it with my own colors & vision. This is such a simple DIY that anyone that can tie a knot can do! I started with a long piece of ribbon tulle and then used all my yarns and ribbons to tie knots around it until I got to the bottom. I have a reel on Instagram you can see my dining room table with all the supplies here. The bells and felt candy canes are from Target, tap the pink shopping links here and here. I buy all of the yarn and ribbon at Hobby Lobby when it's on sale, usually 30-40% off. All of the supplies for this project can be used for gift wrapping also! I've had some of the yarn from several Christmases ago. I'm going to do this same technique on a wire Christmas tree that I found in the Bullseye section at Target that I'll share soon. I have these little felt peppermints ready to go for the next projects!
This morning I officially felt like Mrs. Claus or the Elf (the all time best Christmas movie EVER BTW) as I sipped on my hot coffee topped with gingerbread whipped cream and Andes candy cane peppermint bark. Alexa is playing Christmas music 24/7 unless a holiday movie is playing. Our Christmas bucket list is growing so fast I already know we won't be able to check off every fun idea, but just the thought of all the festive activities has us all very excited. Last weekend, as soon as the Halloween was packed up, we started to turn our home into the North Pole. I was so exhausted Sunday night after cleaning and decorating all weekend long, but now it's the coziest and merriest, and it makes us all so happy. I shared a home tour reel on Facebook and some dude I don't even know said "it's too early for Christmas, ever heard of Thanksgiving?" I didn't respond but definitely chuckled. I'll never understand why people have to rain on someone's parade. It's the happiest time of year and I want to soak up every last drop of joy. Today, I'm sharing a bunch of photos from our around our home and links to a lot of our favorite finds. I'm waiting on one more item before I can share our gingerbread village, OMGosh it's so sweet. We added a pink flocked tree to our collection this year and the pink poodle topper looks like it was made for it. Also, Magnolia has a sweet little tree in her playroom, but it's a disaster so I may or may not share that room at some point. Last night, Magnolia and I picked out some fun Christmas stuff at Target, go see my stories on Instagram @wendycorreen to see what we got. We got new red + white flannel bed sheets that are in the dryer as I type this and we can't wait to cuddle up in them tonight. Enjoy the tour...and check back soon for more festive fun. I have a few crafty projects I plan to do and can't wait to share here. These Santa Salt Dough ornaments from a few years ago were a big hit & we might just make more this year.
The Zombies movies on Disney are all about dancing and singing and they were the inspiration for this year's Halloween costumes! The kids decided on their characters and costumes late this summer and they immediately started to put a dance together to perform on Halloween night. Magnolia was Addison the Werewolf, Addy + Lucca were Addison the Cheerleader, Ollie was Zed the Football Player, and little Isla was the Alien. I will match or coordinate Magnolia's Halloween costume as long as she'll let me, so I was a werewolf right along with her! Magnolia yelled "JACKPOT" from the wagon numerous times Halloween night as she could barely hold in the excitement over her growing bucket full of candy. Earlier in the night I told Magnolia to get me some peanut butter cups. As the night got dark and we were approaching home, she called me over to the wagon as she sang "ohhhhhhh MOMMY, look WHATTTT I got YOU!!!" Her little hand held up a full size Reese's peanut butter cup, and my heart just about exploded. She had the opportunity to get a full size candy bar for herself, but she picked one for her mama instead. I have a photo of it below because it was just the sweetest thing. Our neighborhood knows how to do Halloween and we all made some very special memories.
Our October weekends are always full and the one thing we look forward to the very most is our annual family trip to the pumpkin patch. It makes for a magical day when the kids find fun around every corner. The DJ always has the best music playing, iced cider slushies + pumpkin spice donuts leave the kids smelling like sugar & spice, they get to pet long-haired cows + sweet llamas + cute little lambs, train rides & pony rides, corn maze + corn pits, and we'll always find the happiest people especially Mag's favorite person Grandma Oops!
One of my treasured photos from the day is the one of Magnolia on the swing with her cousin Ollie and Isla. The girls' little hands are on Ollie's legs and all I can see when I look at the photo is a dream come true and answered prayers. Ollie was only days old when we found out I was pregnant & I often envisioned moments just like this past weekend and I am forever grateful.
OCTOBER we LOVE you! We are only half way through this month of FUN and I feel like it's only just begun. This weekend we are doing our annual pumpkin patch trip with the family & Sunday we are going to a Coppelia Tea Party at Magnolia's dance studio. I have to share a bunch of photos from the past few weeks because I've been snapping away and keeping all these special memories close to heart. The biggest news of the month is that we are taking Magnolia to DISNEY WORLD!!! We've been talking about this trip for years and we are finally making it happen, I think Ryan and I are just as excited as Mags about this dream come true. Ryan & I celebrated our seven year wedding anniversary and Magnolia was our photographer before we left for our date. My sisters, mom, and I threw a little Hocus Pocus 2 watch party for the kiddos and Ryan let us crash his carriage house/man cave/movie theater room. We loved all the dancing and singing in the new one. There was a field trip to the Kansas City Zoo, Plaza Art Fair, our town's Oktoberfest, Ollie's baseball game, and lots of other little magical moments as we celebrate the everyday. Oh, and other BIG NEWS, Ryan and I had our IVF consult the first week of October and I'll share more about it in another post.
Hello and HAPPY FALL Y'ALL!!! I cannot believe it's autumn already. 90 degrees yesterday and I woke up this morning and opened all the windows for the crisp cool 57 degree breeze and flipped the fireplace on. Pumpkin spice candles burning and iced coffee in hand we are ready to start our day. Magnolia started homeschool kindergarten a few weeks ago. I still can't believe she is a kindergartener!!! We are using the Abeka homeschool curriculum with video lessons. I'm very grateful for the video teacher, she always has the cutest little songs to sing and creative handmade tools to aid all the learning. I currently have the "AEIOU are vowels" song stuck in my head!!! I could never come up with all the sweetest ideas that she shares and we are loving it. One day we went fishing for numbers by using cut out fish, paper clips and a magnet tied to a string. Our days are structured like the traditional 1/2 day kindergarten, with about 4 hours of classroom time. We usually start our day nice and slow, we wear comfy clothes, do school with lots of snack breaks, followed by recess and then she has dance four days a week. Photo dump of our classroom, and snaps from her first day of school, also a few of our classroom pet Valentine Lollipop. She's still dreaming about a few hamsters for the classroom and I'm still debating if I want to commit to weekly cage cleaner. Robo dwarf hamsters, that look like marshmallows, are super cute though!
A milkshake bigger than Magnolia + one thousand sprinkles + cookies & cupcakes made for a memorable afternoon painting pottery at Creative Culture KC. I promised Magnolia we'd go here to celebrate the day she got her cast off, and I don't know how it happened but summer got away from us! Today is our last Friday before Kindergarten & there was no way I could start the new school year without keeping my promise. It was a rainy day and the perfect day to paint our hearts out. We go back in two weeks to pick-up our pink petal dish and blue llama. It was such a fun afternoon & I can't wait to do it again.
This past weekend felt extra special. I got to take my soon to be kindergartener school shopping. Eeekkkk, it feels very surreal that she's about to start school. We got lots of comfy clothes since we will be doing school at home, but of course a few cute dresses. There will be lots of pink, lavender, and polka dots in her wardrobe this year! She had her heart set on a unicorn backpack that was sold out at our local Target, so we called Ryan and he ran to another one and surprised her with it when we got home. She’s excited! I’m excited! Feeling blessed!

I can't believe I'm typing these words: RYAN AND I HAVE DECIDED TO TRY IVF AGAIN! Eeeekkkkk I'm so excited and so nervous and so hopeful and just ALL THE EMOTIONS.
I usually say the 4th of July is my least favorite holiday because it's alway a sauna outside and fireworks make me a nervous wreck. It's hard for me not to love it now, our little Magnolia Caroline literally lights up with joy with all the festivities that come along with America's birthday. I think we did it all this year from decorating our house with the American flag and banners + 100s of sparklers + firecrackers + blue cupcakes that stained the kids' mouth & faces + driveway parties with country music + bomb pop flavored seltzers + hot dogs + s'mores + homemade strawberry crisp + days at the pool + sun tanned cheeks + cherished time with family & friends. My brother moved to Jackson Hole last summer and made his first trip home since to celebrate with us & now we just want him to move back home! Last night I was getting Magnolia ready for bed, way past her bedtime for the second night in a row, and the last thing on her sweet little mind was to sing Happy Birthday to America. The older I get the more I realize how blessed we are to be born in the USA. We are so grateful for all the veterans that have sacrificed their lives for our freedom.
Magnolia is five years old, but this was my sixth Mother's Day. I looked back at all the years past and got incredibly sentimental. It was Mother's Day 2016 that we were just a few days shy of our IVF transfer. I'll say it a million times, but I will never ever forget that one. It was the year we had one single frozen embryo waiting for us. Only God knew what our life would soon look like. My heart ached for a child and all my thoughts revolved around a baby. FAITH OVER FEAR was/is the motto of our life. Mother's Day is always such a bittersweet day for me because I know there are so many women suffering for many different reasons, many of them longing for the gift of a child. For all those women I hope you feel comfort and peace each day knowing that God's plan for you will turn the darkness to light.
This year we spent Saturday picking out new rose bushes and few annuals to add to our yard. We planted wildflower seeds in our garden and they are already sprouting! We had a quick Mexican lunch and then spent as much time in the sun as we could. Sunday, Magnolia and I went to lunch with my mom, sisters, and all the babes. Ice cream for dessert plus play time outside with tons of people around us was the end of a happy weekend. And I mention all the people because before 2020 I took for granted how much I enjoyed being in a crowd and all the glorious energy of strangers having fun. I hope we never have to experience a lockdown again.
And of course we snapped lots of photos!
Easter 2022! It was a memorable one to say the least. Other than our strong cookie limping around on a broken leg it was a good one. Honestly, I was in a funk, I think I intuitively knew something was wrong with our baby girl since she wasn't walking on her leg, but I was trying to be optimistic and hopeful that she was okay like the ER doctor said. Easter is always my favorite because of all the pastel colors, flowers blooming, birds chirping, cute little bunnies everywhere, and of course because of God's reminder and what our Pastor always says "the worst thing is not the last thing." Hope, it's the season of hope. Magnolia and I spent Easter Eve baking brownies and coloring eggs. The Magical Jelly Beans arrived and she planted them in our garden where they grew into lollipops overnight. All the family came over on Easter Sunday and we had a casual day inside because it was cold and rainy outside. The kids had a blast searching for eggs, and then re-hiding them in all the hardest places for the adults to find. I'm still finding Easter eggs around the house, and they were smart enough to remove the candy before the adult hunt. So no more Easter peanut butter eggs for me.
I turned 41 last month!!! And it's been a complete whirlwind since. The weekend before my birthday we went out for Japanese Steakhouse with the family and then back to our house for cake. This year was all about fun & simplicity. Balloons, Trader Joe's flowers and a last minute Target bakery cake. The weather was gorgeous and the kids did a lemonade stand after cake. The neighbors were so generous and they made $50 that we are going to donate to an animal shelter. On my actual birthday, Magnolia and I went out to lunch with my mom, did a little shopping, rode the carousel at the mall, and did 1990 photobooth style photos. It was a great day & also an awful day. The day ended with a trip to the emergency room after a trampoline accident at my sister's house. The ER doctor told us Magnolia's leg was only bruised and not to unnecessarily expose her to radiation. I was so grateful to go home with a wasted ER visit. After five days of her not able to walk on it we went to the pediatrician, who sent us for x-rays. After x-rays we got a late night phone call and found out she had a buckle fracture and needed to see an orthopedic. The following day she got a bright orange cast on her left leg. She's been an absolute inspiration. I dealt with major mom guilt for days, meanwhile she has been so optimistic and such a good sport. She's barely complained about it and has made the very best of a crappy situation. I am so proud of her and I hope she'll forgive me for not taking her to the doctor sooner. Ugh. My heart. In two weeks the cast comes off and I can't wait to see her dancing on stage again. Praying she'll be able to do recital in June. It'll be off just in time for the pool opening and we are grateful! Anyway, sharing a bunch of random photos I snapped on my bday for memories sake.
My sister and I were talking about photos with the Easter Bunny and she had the genius idea of borrowing some real bunnies from a friend and owner of Paramount Pony. Friday after school we all met at my sister's house and the kids got to play with fluffy bunnies and tiny little chicks as I snapped photos for the memory book.
It's finally feeling like spring now as the all the trees are blooming, tulips are popping up from the ground, and thunderstorms are waking us up at night. We have a mama wren that built a nest in our wreath that hangs on the front door and now we are all anxiously waiting for four little baby wrens to hatch any day now. We just love this time of year! Next weekend we will all get together again for Easter Sunday at my house and we are so excited!
A Divine Dream
OMAHA!!! We spent last weekend in Omaha for Magnolia's very first dance competition. We got in town on Friday, grabbed a quick lunch at Panera, and then headed straight to the Omaha Zoo. Magnolia's dance team took first place for their Space Jam dance and they melted hearts on stage. Our little dancer didn't want to go home on Sunday after such a fun weekend full of joy & laughter.
We finally got to take our princess to Disney on Ice for the very first time. We had VIP tickets in 2020, a Fancy Nancy dress, and a very excited three year old and it was cancelled because of COVID. It was our first "event" to miss and it seems like it sticks out in our mind more than anything else. This year, Magnolia wore her Elsa dress and I snapped a ton of photos because I knew it was a day I wouldn't want to forget. When Elsa and Anna came out she waved with all thrill & happiness you could imagine. On the way home she said it was the "best day ever!" Ryan and I are hoping to take her to Disney World at the end of summer.
Magnolia turned FIVE last week! Oh my mama heart has been quite emotional about this one. She is growing into such a beautiful, happy, smart, and kind little girl. On her actual birthday we were snowed in thanks to the blizzard from her friend Elsa ;-) We will forever give credit to Elsa for our February snowstorms. Ryan was able to come home early from this work trip and surprise her and it was the sweetest moment when she saw him walk through the door.