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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


The Christmas Our Doll is Four Years Old

The Christmas our sweet Magnolia is FOUR! She wakes up bright-eyed every morning, pops-up out of bed, and runs downstairs to look for her elves. The Little Drummer Boy is her favorite Christmas song and the version by Lauren Daigle is the one we listen to on repeat. After three years of skipping a visit to Santa (because she was terrified of him) she is finally ready and excited to see him. Every night we cuddle on the sofa by the fire and watch Christmas movies & most nights she falls asleep in my arms because Daylight Savings has not been easy on her. Our little ballerina is going to be a tick-tock mouse in The Nutcracker with her dance studio & it gets me all emotional because she was obsessed with the movie when she was only one. At night we drive around town and she literally screams with excitement every time she finds a new house shining bright - OMG HOLY GUMBALLS - is her new saying! Her list for Santa grows by the day and I've told her I cannot email him anymore, but she doesn't quite understand the concept, ha! She is the most excited for Santa to bring her a Disney laptop. We drink hot chocolate and gingerbread cookie tea daily. Sugar cookies were baked this past weekend and she is becoming quite the cookie cutter. 
Wendy Correen Smith
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Nutcracker's The Land of the Sweets Tea Party

We've officially kicked off the holiday season with a house full of twinkling Christmas trees, packages arriving daily, hot chocolate on demand, The Elf playing over and over again &&& this past weekend we attended The Land of the Sweets Tea Party at Magnolia's dance studio. One word for the day: MAGICAL!!! To see the wonder & joy in Magnolia's eye is the greatest gift of the season.

Wendy Correen Smith
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Deck the Halls

We got most of our Christmas decor up this past week! The way it lights up Magnolia's world is my very favorite part of this season. All I can think about now is scheduling a carriage ride on the Country Club Plaza, Christmas in the Park, Santa's Bake Shop, The Nutcracker (Magnolia will be a Tick Tock mouse), our annual gingerbread house making party, hot chocolate with all the whipped cream, watching The Elf over and over again, cozy nights be the fire, and truly my list goes on and on. I know the season will fly by so fast and we might not get to do it all, but I'm hoping to squeeze in all the merriest fun while also saving time for quiet moments at home by the twinkling tree & warm fireplace. Last year we bought a clearance tree from Home Depot that we put in our hearth room this year, and we moved our old tree up to the master bedroom. I had no idea how cozy it would feel to fall asleep by the sparkle of the tree, and then to wake up and have coffee in bed by the tree the next morning is just magic. We had our first snow flurries this afternoon! Ryan, Magnolia and I were talking about how much we love to play in the snow. I told them both I am buying a snow suit this year! They both have warm snowsuits and can play for hours while I'm freezing my butt off in leggings. On my Christmas wish list is something super warm so I can play in the snow all day long too!!! 

Wendy Correen Smith
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Cruella for Halloween

The night Magnolia and I sat on the sofa watching Cruella we both knew we had to be CRUELLA for Halloween. We have so much fun dressing up together & I hope she lets me do this with her for many more years to come! I was never a Halloween fan until she was born, and now I just can't help myself. She debated back and forth if she wanted to be mean Cruella or nice Cruella and decided on the mean one. And her facial expressions are just the best. I was struggling to make all the serious faces and she was a total natural. We hosted a little Halloween party before we started trick-o-treating. We walked for hours and the kids went home with buckets full of chocolate and candy! 

Wendy Correen Smith
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October 2021

October was a complete whirlwind! I cannot believe we are already packing up the pink pumpkins, spooky spiders, and cute little ghosts to start putting up the Christmas trees!!! How can it be?!? Grandpa Golden (our skeleton guest) isn't ready to go, but I'm afraid it's already the first week of November so to the basement he goes as we wait for the arrival of Poppy & Little Girl (our elves). 

Wendy Correen Smith
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