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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Magnolia is SIX!!!

Magnolia turned SIX years old on the third. She had a Ballerina Bath Bomb birthday party at Buff City Soap with her cousins and dance + neighbor friends. It was the most fun party we have ever had. On her actual birthday she wanted to control the day, basically a YES DAY, and from the moment she woke up until bedtime she was in charge. It was a blast for me too and I made a reel on Instagram if you want to see little pieces of our day. I feel like so much has happened in this month of February. She went with me to almost all of my IVF appointments and we are so grateful to have one frozen embryo. Her very first tooth fell out! All three of her dances took first place at her very first dance competition of the season. It's been a very fun and blessed month!!!

Wendy Correen Smith
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IVF Miracle Update

We got the call yesterday afternoon while the whole entire city was celebrating our Chiefs THE World Champions. We have one PERFECT frozen embryo!!! Imagine all the confetti thrown at the parade and multiply it by one million, that's how much our hearts are celebrating. 

The embryologist referred to our embryo as high quality and perfect several times. It was so hard to hold in the tears as my voice was trembling talking to her about the next steps. 
Wendy Correen Smith
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