40 feels like such a strange number, but also feels like a number full of all the best. When I was 20 the age of 40 seemed so old, but now that I'm here I must say it's way better than 20. And before I get into any deep thoughts or reflections, I have to say that I thought I'd have a head full of gray hair by now & I don't. I am celebrating that. I have lighter brown & gray popping in right at my part & I also have my sweet sister that covers it for me every few months! I certainly don't want to sound vain talking about how age affects hair color & the body because at the age of 40 I think all my friends have come to realize the body is simply the seat of the soul. Although, I do believe loving the body & soul are equally important. I am a firm believer in taking supplements, drinking lots of water, meditating daily, getting enough sleep, moving the body, eating healthy, laughing often, finding joy in the simple, & practicing gratitude. If I could tell 20 year old Wendy one thing it would be this: "fall madly in love with yourself before anyone else." If I would have loved & protected my soul tenderly through my 20s and early 30s I would have saved myself from a lot of heartache. I don't have regrets, but I do have a heart full of lessons & for that I am grateful.