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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Cheers to 40! A List of 40 Random Thoughts, Reflections & Loves.

40 feels like such a strange number, but also feels like a number full of all the best.  When I was 20 the age of 40 seemed so old, but now that I'm here I must say it's way better than 20. And before I get into any deep thoughts or reflections, I have to say that I thought I'd have a head full of gray hair by now & I don't. I am celebrating that. I have lighter brown & gray popping in right at my part & I also have my sweet sister that covers it for me every few months! I certainly don't want to sound vain talking about how age affects hair color & the body because at the age of 40 I think all my friends have come to realize the body is simply the seat of the soul. Although, I do believe loving the body & soul are equally important. I am a firm believer in taking supplements, drinking lots of water, meditating daily, getting enough sleep, moving the body, eating healthy, laughing often, finding joy in the simple, & practicing gratitude. If I could tell 20 year old Wendy one thing it would be this: "fall madly in love with yourself before anyone else." If I would have loved & protected my soul tenderly through my 20s and early 30s I would have saved myself from a lot of heartache. I don't have regrets, but I do have a heart full of lessons & for that I am grateful. 

Onto other 40 very random thoughts, reflections, & links that I want to share in a list form because I am a lover of lists. 

+ Go to God with worry. Geez, I have (and still do) spend too much time worrying about things I cannot control. Prayer is always the answer. 

+ You know how you always have your phone close by? Keep a bottle (not plastic) of water just as close! I'm never ever without my water. 

+ Practice gratitude every single day. If something goes wrong, if you're worried/mad/scared/disappointed, find something within it all to be thankful for, even if it's the lesson on the way. 

+ My favorite guy after my Ryan, is Deepak Chopra. If I could meet anyone it would be him. I love to listen to his Podcasts & his books are great. 

+ Take care of your skin & hair. I've never had a facial or any work done to my face, but I do use sunscreen when at the pool/beach, exfoliate a few times a week, and ALWAYS moisturize. My hair care routine deserves its own blog post --- coming soon. 

+ I just started reading novels this year & I have no idea why it took me so long. My favorite so far: Where the Crawdads Sing

+ Deepak Chopra said in a Podcast "all problems are an opportunity for creativity" -- and how true is that? 

+ Trust God's Timing 

+ Document your happy days - whether its with a photo, a journal, social media post, a letter to a loved one - it's good for the soul. 

+ Thank you cards, always and forever. 

+ It's okay NOT to be everyone's cup of tea. When that idea is accepted & even embraced life becomes much easier. 

+ It's okay to say "NO" to things you don't want to do. Mel Robbins said this & I LOVE IT "If you keep saying YES to shit you don't want to do, you'll always feel unhappy." And Mel Robbins has a lot of golden things to say. 

+ What is your purpose? Know it & love it & live it! 

+ Everything does not deserve a reaction or response. 

+ Self-love is so very important & it's different for everyone. I have to take an epsom salt bath every single night. I love a hot cup of tea to help me relax & feel grounded. 

+ Believe in miracles & guardian angels & signs from Heaven above - look for them & when you find them, celebrate

+ People are always going to talk, so give them something to talk about. 

+ My home: is often full of fresh flowers, essential oils are always diffusing, windows open for sunshine, with no place for clutter. 

+ Lindsay Letters is one of my favorite artists. She has a piece that I need for my walls, it says: The Only Thing I Sugar Coat is my Coffee

+ You need to know who you are so you are not told who you are. 

+ The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires. - Rumi 

+ Eating outside, under twinkle lights, with music playing - always a recipe for a good time. 

+ Everyone needs to own a cozy robe & fuzzy slippers. Also, a silk pillowcase to save that week long dry shampoo hairstyle. 

+ Grocery delivery is life changing! To all my Shipt Shoppers - I LOVE YOU! 

+ Buy the supermarket bouquet of flowers! Just add them to your cart and thank me later. 

+ White paint is always a good idea. 

+ Always be on the lookout for the rainbow, shooting star, butterfly, blooming flowers, a stranger's smile. Ryan messaged me very early Monday morning to tell me he saw a magnificent shooting star & the wish he made. That's romance.  

+ A simple birthday party checklist: cake (obviously & box cake is delicious), candles, fresh flowers, and balloons! Also make time to snap some photos & play good music in background.  

+ Children are wiser than adults, so respect them immensely. 

+ Always have sprinkles in your spice cabinet. They can transform a dessert in seconds. 

+ Share the hard parts of your story. You never know who may need to hear it. 

+ My grandma always had M&Ms in her house. And we'd eat them out of saved plastic butter containers. Now I have a spot in my kitchen that is always full of lollipops & the kids never leave without several. I know someday they'll remember my home as the one where they'd get lollipops. Have something like that for the kiddos, something simple that brings them joy, that will surely make a special memory. 

+ I'm kind of obsessed with Subscription Boxes: Rocksbox (borrow jewelry - LOVE), FabFitFun (all the must-haves from beauty to jewels to home), Skyler (the best monthly perfume). All so fun to get in the mail each month. 

+ Friendly reminder: shop small & local when you can. It feels good. 

+ Take the photos!!! I'm clearly obsessed with capturing moments. One of my favorite childhood memories was taking photos with the disposable cameras my Papa would buy for me, we would take them to the drug store down the road, and then wait a week to pick up our envelope of developed photos. I still have photo albums full of all those photos my Papa helped me capture. It brings me so much joy to look back on photos, whether its from last week or 35 years ago. One more thing: being a photo hoarder is completely acceptable in my book. No kidding, I just checked, and I have close to 100,000 photos saved in my phone. 

+ Hug the ones you love. Often. 

+ Smile at strangers. 

+ I feel like this cannot be said enough - remember everyone is going through something you may never know about. Show grace & patience & love to all. There were nights I would drive home from visiting my grandma at the nursing home with hot tears rolling down my face and days when I had to hold in so much pain as we fought for Magnolia. I knew then, that I would get to the other side, I knew it was a hard season. I also told myself during those trials to remember this time of feeling raw & broken & full of pain, so that I would lead a life of grace & gentleness for others when the season of calm & joy returned. 

+ Don't be afraid of change. 

+ Birthday candle wishes are serious business! 

Now onto all the photos we captured during my 40th birthday week. 

Fresh hair cut & mermaid curls on my bday eve. 

Maggie Mermaid picked out my birthday dress. She loves the color blue as much as my grandma did. We went out to lunch with my mom & enjoyed the warm sunshine + cool breeze. It was a simple & perfect day. 

My dream cake. I've never had a birthday cake so beautiful or so delicious. If you're in the Kansas City area it is from Poppy Cake Studio. She is a true artist. 

We snapped a bunch of photos before meeting the family for lunch. 

Magnolia took this photo of us and she is very proud of the capture. She did do a good job!

My best friends. 

And back to the house for cake (that I didn't want to cut because it was so darn pretty)!

My family always teases me for the seriousness I place on blowing out the candle & making a wish. 

Grateful! My heart is just overflowing with gratitude. I'm so excited about all that 40 will bring. 

Thank you for all the birthday love on Facebook, Instagram, & text. Now off to write thank you cards. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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