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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Magnolia's First Easter

People always say that so much can happen in a year, and WOW is that statement true. Last Easter Ryan and I were deep in the middle of IVF. Last year I remember waiting by the phone on Easter Sunday waiting for our embryologist to call with updates about our two fertilized embryos. On that Sunday they were both doing very well and it looked as though they'd both make it to a day five or six blastocyst, and it was very happy news. The next day we found out that only one perfect embryo made it to freeze, and that was our GOLDEN egg, our sweet Magnolia. We loved that little embryo and dreamed of the Easters to come. We prayed hard.
Wendy Correen Smith
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Bath Time with Beauty Counter

It may just be a small moment in time, but I know someday I'll look back and remember how I felt when I bathed Magnolia in the warm sunshine in our kitchen sink. And I'll look back one day and think about how sweet her wet body felt on mine when we soaked in our bath tub together in the early morning hours. Sometimes we even hop in a warm bubble bath at the end of the day when the sun is setting. I'll light a vanilla candle before we get in and I'll let her kick her itty-bitty feet around in the deep water like a tadpole her daddy says. I know I'll reminisce about these special moments because I eagerly dreamed of the day I could bathe our baby in our kitchen sink and take a bubble a bath with my daughter, and now that she's here and my dream came true, its truly a time to cherish. She enjoys the water as much as I do. 

A friend of mine sent me Beauty Counter Baby - Baby Gentle All-Over Wash and it's formulated just for newborns and babies. I can use it from head to toe and know that its so gentle that it won't strip away the delicate moisture of her skin. I really love that it's a two-in-one product and that I can use it on her hair and body. The great thing about Beauty Counter products is that when it comes to health and safety standards they go above and beyond what is legally required in the United States. They have a long list of chemicals that will not be found in their products, The Never List. Their list is made up of more than 1,500 questionable or harmful chemicals. I always want to be careful and conscience about the products I use on Magnolia's skin. 

I have a diaper cart full of about five different diaper rash creams. I guess I could say I'm super paranoid about making sure she never gets a diaper rash because just the thought of one makes me hurt. I don't ever want her to experience that kind of discomfort and I'm doing all that I can to make sure she never does. I even wake her in the middle of the night if I hear her poop! Beauty Counter's Baby Calming Diaper Rash Cream is my #1 favorite. I only use it maybe once a day if I see even the slightest sign of redness on her bottom. I also use a small dab at night before her long stretch of sleep, just in case she were to poop and I didn't hear it. What I love about the diaper rash cream is that it almost has a chalky feeling to it. I like that its not very watery or oily like some of the others I've tried. The few times she did have a small amount of redness and I used their rash cream, by the next diaper change it was calmed down. She doesn't have any allergies that I'm aware of, but it is soy and nut free for any sensitive babies that might be allergic to those ingredients. And just like the baby wash it is free of all the nasty and harmful chemicals that can be found in some of the other creams. It is $18 a tube and I think that is pricey, but that can be justified because it'll last such a long time. With only using it once a day I bet our tube lasts over six months! I use it as a preventative measure so I'll probably only need one more tube of it.

If you haven't heard about or tried Beauty Counter you should go check it out here. I absolutely love their new Baby line and I think you will too, especially that diaper rash cream, it's the BEST.

Love xo
Wen and Magnolia
Wendy Correen Smith
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