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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Weekend: Plaza Art Fair, BBQ & more

Every year I mark my calendar months in advance for the annual Country Club Plaza Art Fair - hands down the best Kansas City event of the year. My mom started taking me when I was in middle school & I can only remember one year that I missed it for something much better (my first date with my Ry!). This past weekend was a merry one with lunch at one of our favorite BBQ spots while Valentine went for her first grooming, the art fair, lots of time on our back deck, & a Sunday evening drive!

Wendy Correen Smith
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A Fall-ish Kind of Weekend

The cool air with hints of autumn arrived in Kansas City this weekend. The leaves are starting to fall & Pumpkin Spice Lattes are a good excuse to go for a morning drive in our comfy clothes. After we lost our October baby I mentally prepared myself to feel sadness with the arrival of my favorite season. I feared that I wouldn't have the typical warm & fuzzy feelings that refresh the soul as the cool breeze comes. Just as the seasons change the soul can heal. Each day I still think about our baby gone too soon and my eyes still tear up if I get deep into thought about what could have been. This weekend brought about a sense of relief. Saturday started with a chilly morning rain shower & afternoon drizzles. The sky was gray & the pavement was decorated with wet colorful leaves. We spent the day together doing the ordinary with happy hearts & thoughts of all things cozy & slow. The sadness I feared with this season didn't arrive.

Wendy Correen Smith
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19 Months

Our girl turned 19 months old on the third of September! Waking up to her bright soul every morning comes with the best surprises. She is just full of so much of everything sweet.
Wendy Correen Smith
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Bringing Home Puppy

Eleven days ago our family of three headed to the airport to pickup our newest family member, a furry one, named Valentine Lollipop! She was an 11 week old, ten pound, white standard poodle that came all the way to us from Las Vegas to make us a family of four. It was love at first sight & it was quite obvious her soul was a gentle one. Yesterday she turned 12 weeks weighing in at 10.6 pounds. We think she's going to be on the smaller side.
Wendy Correen Smith
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