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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Answered Prayers

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Tonight Ryan and I are going on our last date as "Ryan and Wendy" as my love said, "next time we'll be Mommy and Daddy" and that is just the most beautiful thing I've ever typed.

Wishes for a weekend full of blessings and love to you xo
Wendy Correen Smith
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Dear Baby Girl

Dear Baby Girl,

Today I'm 38 weeks pregnant with you. The journey to becoming your mom has been nothing short of a miracle. Each day that I've carried you inside of my body, with your heart beating just below mine, I've thanked God for you. Your daddy catches me holding my belly every day (because my hands are always on you) and he either smiles or laughs, but he has to comment in anticipation for how often we'll hold you and keep you close to us once you join us earth side. I can feel your body parts now as you rock from side to side. I've even felt your little fingers tickle me.

My heart is overflowing with joy and anticipation as your birthday draws nearer. My mind is full of what our life with you will be like. I have so many things I want to tell you and today I'm documenting just a small list of memories, hopes, and dreams for you.

1. You are named after a place your daddy and I visited in Charleston, South Carolina. We were in a pink building, it was beautiful, and there was something about the place that spoke to our hearts. Words cannot describe the evening, other then we knew it offered our souls something more, something that we wanted to cherish and hold onto forever. We plan to take you there this year!

2. You will hear many stories about your great-grandparents. My grandma went to Heaven in July the year before I became pregnant with you. The day she went to Heaven before she passed, I had a moment alone with her, and I asked her to send us a baby and she raised her eyebrows in acknowledgement. She sent us you! The night before we found out I was pregnant she came to me in my dreams and told me I was pregnant with you. I will always look at you with a love like no other, you are straight from the arms of an angel. I hope you always know how special and loved you are. You have a big family waiting for you that loves you, and you also have many guardian angels in Heaven above that watch over you.

3. You have a fur-baby older sister. She has cuddled on my belly right next to you many times. She also barks a lot! I know you've heard her and I'm sure you are very curious about who and what she is. You'll meet her the day you come home from the hospital.

4. You like when I drink hot chocolate and you always dance for me after I drink an ice cold fruit smoothie. Music is something that gets you excited and I have a feeling you'll share a passion for music like your daddy. The first time I noticed your reaction to music was with Miranda Lambert's new song Vice. The lyrics have no special meaning, but you must enjoy her voice or the beat of the song. Your daddy bought me the album and we enjoyed it together in the car this summer.

5. Foods I've eaten a lot of while pregnant with you: avocados, clementines, nuts, spicy foods, and fruit chewies. During the first trimester I had to get Sonic limeades almost daily and I craved the typical pickles for a few weeks.

6. I've had the worst acid reflux and we are all anticipating that you'll have a beautiful layer of dark hair.

7. You'll hear stories about how we did a Gender Reveal party and told everyone you were a BOY. For a month we called you by the wrong name, we shopped for boy clothes, and we started to order items for your nursery. I'll tell you the whole story someday, but just know that when we found out you were actually a GIRL the surprise that we experienced when we thought you were a boy was just as (if not more) exciting and wonderful. All we cared about was that you were healthy, and you are. Oh, and I will tell you when I redesigned your nursery to the feminine room that it is, it was so easy! I loved working on your feminine room and I hope you love it.
p.s. girls clothes are so much cuter than boy clothes.

8. Your daddy is the most loving, kind, and tender man I've ever known and I thank God everyday that I get to be his wife. After our first date I knew he was the answer to my lifelong prayers, and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. One thing that I saw in him from the very beginning was that his loving soul would make for the most wonderful daddy. He loves you deeply already Baby Girl, and I cannot hold back the tears as I imagine the moment he holds you for the first time. I'm blessed to know that I'll get to witness your father-daughter relationship and I'll cherish the special love you two share. I love this song as I think of your daddy with you.

9. We hope that you always live your days with a grateful heart. We want to show you that each day is full of miracles and beauty from above. Kindness, compassion, and love will take you far in this world. We will always support you in blossoming into the unique and special person that you are, and we will always be here to love and guide you. There are values and life qualities that we hope to instill in you: eagerness to learn and explore, kindness and gratitude, listening to your heart and intuition, faith and connection to God, and most importantly love and respect for the beautiful soul that you are.

10. We prayed for you. We love you. We thank God for you. You are our greatest gift.

- photos by Everly Photography

Your due date of February first is only 14 days away. You can come any day you want, we are more then ready for you. No rush either Baby Girl, we are happily waiting for the surprise of our lives, YOU. 

With love always and forever xo 
Wendy Correen Smith
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Bumpin' Around the House

Good morning!

Tomorrow I'll be 38 weeks pregnant. I've been emotional through this entire pregnancy, just overwhelmed with gratitude, amazement, and love. Love for this little girl that has stolen our hearts. Yesterday I played a few songs for our sweet pea, here, here, and here, the tears were just flowing down my face as she danced in my belly with each song. Pregnancy and the miracle of growing a new life is the most Godly experience I've ever been blessed with, and I've never taken a day of this for granted. With each new sunrise we are getting closer and closer to meeting her. To look into her eyes and hold her on my skin is a daydream that is constantly coming to mind. I think of Ry meeting her and falling in love with his baby girl and my heart can barely handle it. In my effort to bottle up this entire pregnancy I've been snapping photos and trying to document our days. Once she arrives I'll continue with the photos, but I hope to take videos as well. I know it's something we'll enjoy looking back on as she grows up.

Life around here from my camera roll and Instagram @wendycorreen.

This weekend Ryan and I are looking forward to trying a few new restaurants during Restaurant Week. Its kind of hard to believe this could be our last dates before our baby girl arrives. We've also been talking about our plans to paint the exterior of our house this spring. Our paint inspiration is this blue and this pink front door. We did some major landscaping this last year (well Ryan did, I barely assisted) and I think all the purple and pink florals are going to look amazing with our exterior blue paint. 

A beautiful pregnancy prayer here

Last week after my OB check-up I met Ryan for lunch and then I had some time before my manicure + pedicure. I stopped in Baby Gap and it was hard to resist all their adorable baby girl clothes that are currently on sale. Below are some of my favorites and with CODE: GREAT you can get an additional 40% off. I picked up this cream colored cardigan for her while I was there. It's so cute with the little bear ears on the hood. 

Love xo 

Wendy Correen Smith
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