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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Bumpin' Around the House

Good morning!

Tomorrow I'll be 38 weeks pregnant. I've been emotional through this entire pregnancy, just overwhelmed with gratitude, amazement, and love. Love for this little girl that has stolen our hearts. Yesterday I played a few songs for our sweet pea, here, here, and here, the tears were just flowing down my face as she danced in my belly with each song. Pregnancy and the miracle of growing a new life is the most Godly experience I've ever been blessed with, and I've never taken a day of this for granted. With each new sunrise we are getting closer and closer to meeting her. To look into her eyes and hold her on my skin is a daydream that is constantly coming to mind. I think of Ry meeting her and falling in love with his baby girl and my heart can barely handle it. In my effort to bottle up this entire pregnancy I've been snapping photos and trying to document our days. Once she arrives I'll continue with the photos, but I hope to take videos as well. I know it's something we'll enjoy looking back on as she grows up.

Life around here from my camera roll and Instagram @wendycorreen.

This weekend Ryan and I are looking forward to trying a few new restaurants during Restaurant Week. Its kind of hard to believe this could be our last dates before our baby girl arrives. We've also been talking about our plans to paint the exterior of our house this spring. Our paint inspiration is this blue and this pink front door. We did some major landscaping this last year (well Ryan did, I barely assisted) and I think all the purple and pink florals are going to look amazing with our exterior blue paint. 

A beautiful pregnancy prayer here

Last week after my OB check-up I met Ryan for lunch and then I had some time before my manicure + pedicure. I stopped in Baby Gap and it was hard to resist all their adorable baby girl clothes that are currently on sale. Below are some of my favorites and with CODE: GREAT you can get an additional 40% off. I picked up this cream colored cardigan for her while I was there. It's so cute with the little bear ears on the hood. 

Love xo 

Wendy Correen Smith
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