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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Well Mom, it's just YOU & ME now!

The other day my sister texted & reminded me of a story I cannot believe I forgot to write down. 

It was the Sunday before St. Patrick's Day. Ryan left for a work trip. Magnolia & I had my mom, sisters, and cousins over to our house. We had a little impromptu St. Patty's Day Heavenly birthday party for our grandma nanny in Heaven. The kids all wore their matching green lucky charm t-shirts, they ate cupcakes, and danced the afternoon away. Nothing lights up Magnolia's world more than playdates with her sweet cousins. As the fun day came to an end and dinner was approaching my mom decided to head home. Then my sister Haley & her girls left. Mallory & her babes stayed a little longer so the kids could play and we could chat. When it was time for them to head home, we walked them to the door & watched them load up the car. Magnolia & I were standing on the front porch. She took her little hands & put them on her hips and cheerfully said "Well Mom, it's just YOU & ME now!" She said it in a way that I knew she was looking forward to going back in the house & hanging with just me. I'm tearing up as I type this because in that very moment I was washed over with joy & peace. And a huge sense of relief. I cannot tell you how often I worry about her being lonely because she is an only child. All I know about siblings is that my sisters are my best friends. I cannot imagine life without them. I always felt we needed to give Magnolia that same blessing. 
Wendy Correen Smith
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It's Feeling Like Spring Around Here

It's feeling like SPRING around here! It might be nine days from now, but we are already enjoying the sunshine + fresh air, birdies singing in the trees, and all the spring + Easter decor around our home. Last night the sky was illuminated with lighting and the sound of thunder boomed in the distance. Mags and I stayed up later than we had planned just to enjoy the strange blissfulness of the weather. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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Don't Trade Your Authenticity for Approval

I turn 4-0 in April! And she turned 4 in February! 

I look at her & think about all that life has taught me that I am blessed to teach her. When I'm in deep thought, I realize she is the one teaching me. She loves with purity, she does what she wants, she never worries about what anyone thinks of her, she speaks her mind, she is kind & true. She is her authentic self. She is MAGGIE MERMAID full of all that sparkles and shines. I promise to do my damndest to keep her light shining bright always.

As I consciously parent her, one of the many things I have to be careful of doing is granting "approval." And saying this is good or this is bad, or you should say this or do that. As I make this effort to let her soul shine in its truest form I see that I get to relearn the same lessons.

+ It's okay NOT to be everyone's cup of tea.
+ It's okay to say no to things that you don't want to do. "NO THANKS!" carries a lot of power & the freedom feels so damn good.
+ Create boundaries that support YOUR flourishing.
+ Don't do things out of obligation. Do things out of love & joy.
+ You need to know who you are so you aren't told who you are.

I want unshakeable confidence to be her guiding light. Her love for herself should rise above all else. She only has one person to please - MAGGIE MERMAID. I hope she spends time in prayer and meditation so listening to her heart and following her dreams is as natural as eating, sleeping, & breathing.

Thanking God for the gift of motherhood & the gift of Magnolia. All children offer a gift - a reminder of how to be TRUE & AUTHENTIC!

p.s. off to make her toast with ketchup for breakfast!

Wendy Correen Smith
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