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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Stationery & Invitations by Basic Invite

Opening the mailbox to find a beautifully addressed note brings about the warmest of feelings. To pull apart the envelope to find the surprise inside, whether it be an invitation to a celebration, or a note to say thank you, or simply a handwritten card to say I'm thinking of you & I love you, it's a little act of kindness that carries so much beauty in our rushed lives. I don't know about you, but I know it's tempting to just send a text or Facebook message to share what used to be delivered through the mail. No matter how busy life gets, I'll always be drawn to fine papers & stationery. And that brings me to today's post. Basic Invite is an online custom invitation company with tons of affordable & stylish designs. I'm excited to tell you about them.

Custom Samples: They are one of the only paper companies that allows customers to order custom samples before placing a final order. To be able to feel the quality of the paper & see the custom colors before committing is a big deal! When my samples arrived my expectations were definitely exceeded. The paper is so nice & the color is rich & vibrant.

Almost Unlimited Colors: Okay for me this was the funnest part, after picking from all their stylish designs. All the design elements can be color customized & they have every color in the rainbow (180 different colors). No kidding I played around with the colors for hours because it gave me instant previews. Most paper companies do not have websites this advanced to allow custom element changes & instant previews. Every last detail could be changed! That's why you'll notice mainly pastel pinks & blues in my samples.

Over 40 Different Colors of Envelopes: What is the first thing you see when someone sends you a beautiful card? The envelope! And Basic Invite has over 40 different envelope colors to pick from. Another perk: they're all peel & seal!

Address Capturing Service: This is a really cool feature. They offer an address capturing service that allows customers to share a link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media format to request their friend's & family's addresses which will be stored in the customer's account & can be selected during the design process. At Christmas they offer this recipient address printing at no charge. You can guess where I'll be getting our Christmas cards this year!

Foil: Foil cards are available in gold, silver, and even rose gold.

Right now Basic Invite is offering 15% off all orders with coupon code: 15FF51

Before I end this, I have to share their adorable sailor baby shower invitations. You have to go look at all the sweetest nautical designs, like this Baby on Board one. Cute Cute!

What does your handwriting say about you? A graphologist's analyzation here.

Yours Truly xo

This post is sponsored by Basic Invite - all opinions are my own.  
Wendy Correen Smith
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Bubble Baths & Bedtime Routines

Bubble baths are something Magnolia & I equally love, for different reasons! I like to lay back & unwind in the hot water while Magnolia likes to blow bubbles in the water & splish splash until I finally tell her to stop! 

As she's grown our bedtime routine has changed & today I'm sharing our favorites things that go along with our nightly rituals. 
Wendy Correen Smith
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A Poem For My Daughter - Paint Rocks With Rainbows

I've had a poem bookmarked in my phone forever. When I look at these photos of Magnolia I think about her soul & all I hope I can teach her. This poem by T. Guinery is a special one & one that I had to share here for you to read as well. 

Paint rocks with rainbows, sketch the 
female form, write words awoken at
midnight, dance until it's dawn. Paint
my walls magenta, cook a cake to watch
it rise, open all the windows, create gifts
to say "surprise!" Eat meals by candle
light, just because why not? Sip rouge
beneath the moonlight, skinny dip and
cafe hop. Sing to my Creator, knock on
Heavens door, sing hallelujah, keep my
heart growing more. Kiss my loves in the
morning, again amidst the day, sway upon
my to-do list, know when it's called a day.
Listen to that still small voice, dance unto
its sound, love this life I've been gifted,
knowing I've been found. Trusting in
the greater plan, I leave my agenda slow,
having not a worry in the world, because
he loves me so. 

Right before our eyes our Magnolia is blooming into a little girl with a bright personality & filling our days with love & joy. Heaven sent she is! 

Wendy Correen Smith
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8 Reasons I'm Adding Rocky Mountain Oils to My Collection

As you probably already know, we've been using & loving essential oils for a long time. It all started with my Young Living starter kit. When I ran out of my all time favorite - Frankincense - I thought it was time to research other essential oil brands. After reading article after article & looking over all the brand websites I found one that I thought I should try. Rocky Mountain Oils. Today I'm going to tell you all about the main reasons I decided to add RMO to my collection. I think you'll like all them just as much as me.

1. Quality
Quality should always be the #1 focus when comparing oils.
Their mission is to improve the quality of life for each customer by only providing the highest quality of oils. Their S.A.F.F.E. promise is a guarantee that the oils are 100% pure, natural & authentic. They are free from of synthetics & fillers. The coolest part is the batch # on the bottom of each bottle. You can enter the number on their website to find the third party GC/MS test results report.

2. Cost & Shipping
Who loves free shipping!? We all do! I absolutely love that I can go online, order the oil I want & not have to worry about spending $9+ on shipping alone. I was shocked to receive my first order in two business days. RMO offers competitive & affordable pricing. Take a look at the Blend of Rose, it's perfect for those that don't want to spend $200+ on a small bottle of Rose.

3. Product Selection
They have oil singles, blends, kits, roll-ons, skincare & more. The AvaShield product line offers home cleaning & personal care products, such as toothpaste, cleaner concentrate (similar to Thieves cleaner concentrate), & foaming hand soap. You can compare their product blends to Young Living & DoTerra here.

4. No Membership Requirements
You don't have to join in order to receive membership discounts. You can go online & order whatever you wish, checkout with your credit card or PayPal, & the product(s) ship for free & fast. Super easy & convenient. After talking to my friends & family about YL for years this was a big factor in their buying decisions. It was just too hard.

5. RMO Oil'ty Club Rewards Program 
If you wish you may join the Oil'ty Club. You'll get points for every dollar you spend, when you create an account, on your birthday, and for liking their social media pages.

6. Safety & Education
While other EO companies shy away from giving functional usage ideas, you'll find suggestions & ideas on the product pages. They have a blog & an Essential Oils 101 page to help beginners learn along the way.

7. Website
Modern & easy to use website.

8. Pre-stickered Bottles
The top of each bottle is labeled & great for organization.

I'll be posting more about my experience with Rocky Mountain Oils in the weeks ahead. I have a long list of new diffuser & roll-on blends I'm going to create with all the oils I've added to my collection.

Please let me if you have any questions at all.

Wendy Correen Smith
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Bottling Up the Memories

Who is that girl?

In two days our baby girl will be 16 months old. Over the last few weeks I've been making all these mental notes of memories I have to remember.

All the new things she can say now: I love you, baby, blue, oh shit (we cannot deny that one), let me see, a mumbled up version of Skidamarink-a-dink & so much more that I'm trying to make out...
Just the other night during the thunderstorm that was startling her, she came over to me & put her little hands on my legs, looked me in my eyes & whispered a full sentence. She stared in my eyes waiting for a response to which I didn't know what to say. She then whispered it again. It was the sweetest little moment. Later that night we had a huge rainbow over our house. I couldn't wait to show her the colors in the sky straight from the angels in Heaven.

Our darling little soul has a darling little temper. When she's made she'll squeeze her fists really tight, clench her face, & shake her arms. I probably shouldn't be in love with her temper as much as I am, but geez it is freakin' cute when she shows all her emotions.

Speaking of emotions. She has a wide range of emotions. Ryan always says she got that from me. She is not short on facial expressions or any form of expression for that matter.

Being in the nude brings her happiness! I cannot keep a diaper on her & in the evenings after dinner before her bubble bath I usually let her run around in her birthday suit for a little bit. I can tell she enjoys the freeing feeling of no clothes.

We already have a favorite mommy + daughter weekly date. Starbucks + Target. We both love the Vanilla Bean Frap with caramel drizzle & almond milk, also the Double Chocolatey Chip Frap with almond milk. We can wander around Target for hours sharing a Starbucks Frap --- usually I have to beg for a sip.

To her baby dolls she is the best little mommy. She pats them on the back, feeds them, changes their clothes & hugs them tight.

The laundry room is her playroom. She has an obsession with closing the door & hiding. I pretend like I cannot find, although a few times I really did lose her in there, & then I'll hear a scream or laugh. I'll knock on the door asking to come in & sometimes she'll even block me from opening the door. Is this a preview to the teenage years?

She finally got over her fear of walking in the grass. She loves the pool. Her cousins make her laugh in a special high pitch screaming type of way. Magnolia is a glam girl that likes a nice pair of sunglasses, bracelets, barrettes & top knots. And good shoes too, of course. Her love for dogs is still as big as her heart.

Strangers comment on three things the most: her blue eyes the color of the ocean, her thick & curly hair, and those plump oh-so-squeezable cheeks.

At 16 months I've finally got her on a nap routine. Hallelujah. Now if only I can get her to sleep through the night. Goals!

When we pray before meals she'll cross her fingers.

She gives real kisses now. I thought I'd miss the clicking sound she used to do when she "kissed" us, but now I'm even crazier about her real kisses. My heart can barely handle it. She's also a pro at blowing kisses & waving goodbye to the ones she adores.

You should see her face light up when her daddy gets home from business trips. There really is no one else that can make her jump for joy like him.

She has several play phones & she'll often put them up to her ear & mimic me. It's quite hilarious to see her modeling my facial expressions, tone of voice, and speed of conversation.

I used to fear the passing of her cute little stages. Now I've learned what I should have already known, they're only replaced by even cuter stages as her personality blossoms. She's the sweetest little lady & the best mommy to all her dolls & stuffed animals. When I pick her up she pats me on the back & surprises me with kisses on my shoulder. I don't need to say "slow down time" anymore, we soak up all her love each & everyday. Getting to know her personality & darling little soul is the greatest gift.

Have a darling weekend friends, enjoy the sunshine & laughter of the ones you love. Make sure to follow us over on Instagram @wendycorreen - that's where I post all the photos & lots of adorable Instastories of this girl.

Wendy Correen Smith
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