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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


IVF - Sibling Cycle

I can't believe I'm typing these words: RYAN AND I HAVE DECIDED TO TRY IVF AGAIN! Eeeekkkkk I'm so excited and so nervous and so hopeful and just ALL THE EMOTIONS. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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Proud to be an American

I usually say the 4th of July is my least favorite holiday because it's alway a sauna outside and fireworks make me a nervous wreck. It's hard for me not to love it now, our little Magnolia Caroline literally lights up with joy with all the festivities that come along with America's birthday. I think we did it all this year from decorating our house with the American flag and banners + 100s of sparklers + firecrackers + blue cupcakes that stained the kids' mouth & faces + driveway parties with country music + bomb pop flavored seltzers + hot dogs + s'mores + homemade strawberry crisp + days at the pool + sun tanned cheeks + cherished time with family & friends. My brother moved to Jackson Hole last summer and made his first trip home since to celebrate with us & now we just want him to move back home! Last night I was getting Magnolia ready for bed, way past her bedtime for the second night in a row, and the last thing on her sweet little mind was to sing Happy Birthday to America. The older I get the more I realize how blessed we are to be born in the USA. We are so grateful for all the veterans that have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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