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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Our Daughter's Nursery Reveal

Hello dear one! I hope you had a joyful Christmas with all the ones you love. 

I can't tell you how happy and excited I am to finally show you our baby daughter's nursery. We've been working on it since we found out we were having a girl and every little detail was thought about and brought to life with consideration and gratitude. Ryan and I agreed from the very start that her nursery would be feminine and he insisted on lots of pinks! I thought it was adorable how much pink he wanted in the room. I knew I wanted a floral wallpaper and when I showed him the few options I had narrowed it down to, I asked for his opinion knowing he'd pick the pink one, and sure enough without a moment of hesitation he pointed to the wallpaper that is now the centerpiece of her room. The "You Are The Poem" artwork above her crib was a piece I had selected from the very start of this project. It stirred my heart reading it, and I knew that it was something that she could keep in her room for many years to come. I still cry when I read it and I've read it 1000 times. She is a dream come true, our masterpiece, and we are blessed! At the end of this post I'll have links to all the products in her room. The little bunny mobile above her crib was a last minute find. I wasn't planning to do this one all along, but when I discovered it at Restoration Hardware I knew it belonged in her room for two reasons (1) it's simple and sweet (2) we had baby bunnies all around our home when we first started the IVF process and at the beginning of our pregnancy. You'll notice another little bunny that is framed next to the rocking chair. It was a card given to us from a dear friend and I fell in love with it so I put it in a frame. Inside the frame is the white feather that I found the day of our positive pregnancy test that I believe was yet another message from my grandma in Heaven. You can read about that day here. I'm happy to have a safe place to store and display that special feather from our angel. She has a beautiful collection of books thanks to my baby shower. Every guest brought a book and wrote a sweet note to her inside. We have so many I could only display a portion on her walls and the rest are in a basket in her closet. I shared a little peek into her closet. She has the most darling clothes and shoes! On the nightstand you'll notice her sonogram photo, along with framed photos of Ryan and me when were newborns. We had displayed our baby photos at the gender reveal and I thought it'd be cute to keep them on the nightstand in her room. 

This is the little peek into her closet. I have it all organized by size and the very top basket stores her socks and tights! Then the second basket has a bunch of the cutest hats and bonnets. The "baby things" basket is for my wraps and the other basket on the top shelf stores nursing supplies. This weekend we'll get her Baby Bjorn bouncer put together and we'll bring her Docka Tot down in a few weeks. I love her little bandana bibs and her shoe collection. Ryan jokes that she has more shoes than he's had his entire life! My sister and baby shower guests are to thank for a large portion of her closet. 

Sometimes I wish I could read the mind of our chihuahua Mrs. I wonder if she fully comprehends this baby sister thing. I know she's "just a dog" but she's like our baby and she's very smart. The facial expressions and curiosity she displays when we enter her room really makes me wonder. 

The nursery is full of an abundance of natural sunlight. In the mornings, as the sun is rising on the horizon, her room pitches a glow of pink throughout the entire upper level. It's quite magical. The blanket draping her crib was handmade by my dear grandma, as well as the crocheted booties you'll see throughout her room.  

Now that I've shared her nursery I'll surely be sharing more little peeks into her room on Instagram @wendycorreen before her birthday. We are currently waiting on a set of Llamas that we got from Pottery Barn right before Christmas that will sit under the windows and bookshelves. I also have a custom piece of artwork that I need to hang on the wall by the rocker. We are planning to add a speaker so that we can use Bluetooth to play music in her room. 

Well I hope you enjoyed the nursery tour. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Product Details: 
You Are The Poem artwork
Indy Bloom Wallpaper
Crib and Changing Table
Crib Sheet 
Bunny Mobile
Flamingo is sold out, similar here
Plush Lamb
Lamb Slippers
Rocking Chair
Rope Pouf
Fur Rugs
Changing Pad Cover
Crystal Chandelier, similar
Pom Pom Curtains, similar
Curtain Rod
Moses Basket
Baby Bjorn Bouncer
Docka Tot

A few upcoming blog posts include our lower level set-up with her bassinet and mobile changing cart, and our hospital bags!

Thank you dear ones for following along on the journey to our daughter. We are looking forward to sharing the BIG DAY - HER BIRTHDAY with you very soon! As I share this reveal I am reminded that there were days I feared I'd never get to create a nursery and I do believe that the struggle to her has heightened our appreciation for this moment. All I can say is THANK YOU GOD.

Love xo

Wendy Correen Smith
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