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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Gingerbread Houses + Little Girls and Boys

This morning my niece and I made a gingerbread house with her kindergarten class. I hadn't thought about it until my drive home, but I had never made a gingerbread house before today. I have no idea how I got to be this age without ever making one, but I'm grateful that my first time doing it was with a bunch of adorable little girls and boys.

It was funny to watch the little boys eagerly eat all the candy while the little girls rushed to decorate their homes! I overheard the dad next to us tell his son, "not bad for a boy!" when they finished their project. Of course in this day and age we have to be careful with stereotyping "boys and girls" but the reality in our little group of five was that the boys were more interested in eating the treats while the girls were certainly more concerned with making the cutest gingerbread home! And trust me, Addy-boo and I took this project very seriously.

We started with just a chocolate milk carton that had graham crackers glued to each side. A container of Betty Crocker vanilla icing and a big tray of colorful candy and treats.

Addy did a wonderful job of decorating every angle of her house and she had a detailed plan for each side. The gumdrops were the chimneys (she had three) and the M&Ms made the front door. The white pretzels along the edge made for the snow that cushioned the house.

The little boy in front of us didn't have a visitor to help him. He kind of latched on to us and I offered to help as I could, but he was enjoying the peppermints and candied pretzels far more than he was interested in any help on his house. I stood up to help Addy go across the cafeteria so we could photograph her finished gingerbread house and I could hear the little boy yelling across the room, "ARE YOU PREGNANT. HEY, ARE YOU PREGNANT?" I was giggling inside, planning to respond to his sweet question once we got back to the table.

When we got back to the table this little boy's eyes were huge with interest about my belly. He asked yet again if I was pregnant. I responded and simply said "yes!" He then went on to tell me that his mom used to be pregnant. It was a bit chaotic in the cafeteria with all the little ones and their chitter chatter. I couldn't really talk to him about it as much as I would have liked. The next thing I know he's pointing at me, I'd describe it as a TRUMP STYLE waving of his arm as he used his pointer finger to direct all the attention to my belly as he yells "YOU ARE SANTA CLAUSE!" At this point I'm having a hard time not laughing, all the while my niece is defending me saying "no she's not, that's a baby girl in there!" The moms around us were trying to tell him to stop, but I truly thought it was the most adorable thing ever. And my hubby just told me I looked like Santa Clause on Sunday so it wasn't a big surprise to be compared to the jolly old man. The little boy stopped giving me his attention for a good 30 seconds. I could tell he was still pondering what to say to me next. He was simply fascinated by my round belly, and I wanted to pick him up, hug him tight, and tell him how much I understand his curiosity. The next question out of his little mouth was, "well do you have a pillow in there then?" Before I could even answer him my niece was yet again there to help with the conversation, she said "no it's a BABY G-I-R-L!" Her tone of voice implied 'I already told you this once.' Things were wrapping up at this point and I was giving Addy kisses goodbye and thanking her for having me. I was walking her to the classroom line when he came up to me again. It was truly one of the most adorable moments of my pregnancy. He stopped right in front of my belly, looked up at me with his big brown eyes, and said "I want to rub her. Can I rub your baby girl?" Then this little soul rubbed my belly with the tiniest and most curious hands. It was such a special moment because his interest was very innocent yet deeply inquisitive. I'm not sure if he's still trying to wrap his brain around how a baby grows inside a mommy, or if he already understood the concept and was simply being cute. Either way it was a moment I want to remember forever. I have a feeling he's going to grow up to be one amazing daddy someday.

This one hour of my life with my precious little niece was a moment I'll cherish forever. I feel grateful to be so close to my nieces and nephew and I definitely look forward to days at the school with our little sweet pea!

Merry Christmas xo
Wendy Correen Smith
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