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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


12 Day Starter Kit Oily Challenge

So you've got a Young Living Starter Kit, now how do you use the oils? The ways to use the oils are truly endless & I'm literally learning something new about them every single day. I was just talking to a friend about switching out our dryer sheets for wool dryer balls. Not only are we going to save money & help the environment by ditching the toxic dryer sheets, but now our clothes are going to be free of toxic residues. We add a few drops of essential oils before throwing them in the dryer & they come out smelling amazing. Magnolia's clothes are currently being dried with Orange. It's crazy how much we do, because we've always done it a certain way, and we are clueless as to the side affects it may have on our health. I can see a shift in our society to be more focused on health & well-being & it makes me so happy to see people take charge of their health.

Today I'm sharing a 12-Day Oily Challenge using all the oils in your new starter kit!

Day One // Lemon
Add 1-2 drops of lemon to your water for digestive health. Use a glass or stainless steel container. I do this every single day!

Day Two // Lavender
Add 2-4 drops of lavender in your bath for skin support & a restful night sleep. And if you're not into baths put it in the diffuser by your bed before drifting off to dreamland.

Day Three // Peppermint
Diffuse peppermint for an afternoon pick-me-up.

Day Four // Frankincense
Apply 2-4 drops to the desired area for skin support or on the back of your neck for emotional support. Add a few drops to your face lotion to help with fine lines.

Day Five // Copaiba
Apply on the skin with a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil, for muscle support or take in a veggie capsule to support immunity.

Day Six // Thieves
Diffuse Thieves and apply topically for added immune support.

Day Seven // Purification
Add 2-4 drops to clothes for a refreshing scent or add 2 drops on a cotton ball to freshen the air.

Day Eight // Digeze
Massage onto the abdomen for digestive support.

Day Nine // Panaway
Apply 2-4 drops to an epson salt bath post workout routine for muscle support.

Day 10 // R.C.
Apply 1-2 drops with a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil, and apply topically for a soothing aroma.

Day 11 // Stress Away
Apply on the wrists or back of neck for an uplifting scent & relaxation.

Day 12 // Ningxia Red
Enjoy a nice 1 oz taste of a chilled glass of this refreshing drink.

Day 13 // Bonus Day
Get creative. Think of another way to utilize an oil(s) from your starter kit. Which ones might pair nicely together? Try a few drops lemon, lavender, & peppermint in your diffuser for a refreshing scent & seasonal support.

Quick Tips 
Oils can be applied topically (check recommended dilution), they can be diffused aromatically, or ingested (if they have the vitality label).

Image above via Instagram here.

Remember, there's always an oil for that!  

Wendy Correen Smith
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Pinches of Pink

Our home is filled with little pinches of pink from the pillows on our sofa, to the fireplace mantle decor, and our powder room & front door is painted Valspar's Baby Blush. Every room has just a little. Valentine's Day gave me an extra excuse to bring in all the pink, but now we have spring & Easter coming & yet another reason to bring in all the pastel colors. And lots & lots of pinks! This bathroom vanity by Elsie Larson has my mind twirling with ideas for our upper level bathroom that we plan to renovate one day soon!

Before we know it, it'll be spring & I know that you're looking forward to the warmer weather!!! I think we all are this year more than ever, especially with all the nasty flu stuff that has been going around. When the sun starts to shine longer & the winds start blow in that refreshing air that makes you want to open your sunroof & turn up the radio, you know it's time to start getting excited. When the weather starts to turn I like to bring in fresh flowers & new candles, this Capri Blue Volcano is my #1 favorite of all time. I like to update my wardrobe with at least one new pair of sandals, and I always end up in pinkish nude flip flops most days. With Easter a pink floral dress is a must! And I'm thinking that I can get rid of the diaper bag this spring & go back to a regular purse. I've got all the heart eyes for this Rebecca Minkoff vintage pink satchel! I've linked some of my favorite spring & pink products below!


Wendy Correen Smith
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Weekend Favorites

Hello Saturday! 

Ryan has been home from work travel all week & so it's felt like the weekend for us in many ways all week long. We got to meet him for lunch & go out to dinner & wake up to his gifts for us on LOVE day. It's been a nice change having him with us for all the little everyday things, like having dinner together, then cleaning out one pea that inevitably lands in Magnolia's belly button, and doing our bedtime routine & blow drying this girl's thick hair before bed. 

This week was full of all things Valentine's from Skidamarink playing on Alexa over & over, to heart jammies, pink tutu dresses, pink sprinkled donuts, & late night dinners out (late night means past seven pm).

On Valentine's Day we had dinner at my brother's restaurant Louie's Wine Dive in Waldo. He's the creative chef that made the lovely + delicious Valentine's menu that we enjoyed with a glass of prosecco and our baby doll. After dinner we took Magnolia on a tour of the kitchen! 

Magnolia's super soft + simple dress was made by my sister & shop owner Little Lucca Love. She got two of the sweetest bracelets from her daddy for Valentine's Day from Poppy Lane & Co. We had her birthstone added to one of the bracelets & the amethyst charm is a darling little touch.

What to watch this weekend? Here's a round up for you. Human Flow is on my watchlist.

I've never heard anything like this my life, black ice skating, virgin black ice is the most desirable so they say.

Two things I've got my eye on for spring & summer fun (1) the most adorable sprinkler ever (2) these rain boots for puddle jumping.

Magnolia is named after a pink restaurant in Charleston & we talk about going back all the time. I found this 48 hour itinerary & I had to bookmark it for the weekend we make it back. We cannot wait to take Magnolia to Magnolia's.

If you're into handwritten letters & cards, you'll like this custom address label stamp company & vintage stamps. I couldn't resist the address label with the magnolia & all the southern charm. A modern guide to letter writing.

All the most beautiful of flowers on Instagram.

What I'm reading right now.

100 Random Acts of Kindness, I try to do #41 each time I see the opportunity.

Ending today with this - her smile & laughter is everything to us.

Wendy Correen Smith
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Valentine's Day Homemade Pop-Tarts

Hello lovelies! Valentine's Day is only a few days away. And today I'm sharing this super easy + extra festive homemade pop-tart recipe with you. Your little ones (or even big ones) will feel extra loved when you serve these up!


2 Refrigerated Pie Crusts
1/2 Cup Fruit Jam + 1 Tablespoon for Icing
1 Tablespoon Cornstarch
1 Egg
1 Cup Powdered Sugar
1 Tablespoon Heavy Cream (or Almond Milk Creamer)
Valentine's Sprinkles


Preheat oven to 400ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. 

In a small bowl, mix ½ cup jam with cornstarch. Crack the egg into a second small bowl and whisk. 

Flour a large work surface and lay both pie crusts out on it. Roll the circles to 11 inches across. Use a knife or pizza cutter to cut the edges off, about 1 inch off all sides, to create two 9-inch squares. Then cut each square into three 3-inch stripes, or 6 total.

Spoon 1-2 tablespoons of jam on one end of each strip. Brush a rectangle of egg around the jam, to glue the sides together. Fold the dry end over the end with jam.

Use a fork to crimp the edges together on all sides. Repeat with remaining pie crust strips. 

Move the pop tarts to the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 15–18 minutes, until golden. Cool.

After the pop tarts have cooled for several minutes, whisk powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon jam, and 1-2 tablespoons cream or almond milk creamer together to create an icing glaze. Spoon over the top of each pop tart and immediately sprinkle with Valentine's sugar & sprinkles. Let the icing dry, either on the baking sheets of on a dry rack.

Serve warm or at room temperature.

I would definitely suggest serving them warm with a cup of ice cold almond milk! So good! 

In case you missed this Valentine's Day Gift Guide for the little girls you can see it here & all things LOVE Day here

Pop-tart recipe & inspiration from The Pioneer Woman


Wendy Correen Smith
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Ten Things I've Learned About the Loss of My Dog & Euthanasia

1. Guilt // In my heart I knew that I had to help Mrs. go so that she'd no longer be in pain. Immediately upon leaving the vet, with her in the wooden casket in the back of our car, I started to feel guilty. I was her fur mommy & I chose to have her put to sleep. How could I not feel guilty? Guilt was a feeling I was unfamiliar with, yes I'd felt guilty about things in my life before, but nothing to this extreme.

2. Feelings of devastation // The loss hit me hard & for a good week my face was swollen from the hot tears, my chest literally hurt from my aching heart, & my stomach was in knots. I couldn't eat & I couldn't sleep. I had several nightmares about her. There is much research that shows that the loss of pet can be just as devastating as the loss of a family member.

3. Support from family // Thankfully my family & friends knew the depth of my pain. The day after we put her down I really needed to get out of the house. Everywhere I looked reminded me of her absence. It was a beautiful winter day & Ryan had the great idea of going to the zoo. Walking around in the fresh air with my Ryan & Magnolia, looking at all the animals, was exactly what I needed to get through the first day without her. My sister called to check on me each day & I received the sweetest text messages & cards in the mail. Just a simple hug made a big difference & I'm grateful that my friends & family were there to help me wipe away the tears of grief.

4. Her stuff // I didn't realize how hard it would be to get rid of her stuff. I'll never forget the feeling I had when I took her dog bowls to the sink for the last time. I gave my sister her dog treats that we got her for Christmas & all of her leftover food. I saved her harness & leash that is still covered in her hair. The blankets on the sofa, the ones she'd spend the day cuddled in, have been put away.

5. Timing // The issue of timing the euthanasia is one of the most excruciating for pet owners. I know I could have given her more drugs in a desperate effort to extend her life another month, two, or maybe even six. I also knew that would mean we'd all have more time to cuddle & love her, but we'd also have to see her pain grow & health decline. I read a lot about euthanasia before we decided to put her down. The common thread was "don't wait too long" & "if you have no regrets you waited too long." This article & this article helped me move forward with one of the most difficult decisions I've ever made. Ryan was the one to schedule the appointment & I would recommend anyone going through this to ask a loved one to make that phone call. There was no doubt in my mind that I'd be there with her until her last breath, but I have heard that some people are not able to attend the final appointment.

6. Future dogs // Someday we'll open our hearts & home to another fur baby. I have no idea when, but I'm guessing it'll be quite sometime. With my guilt came thoughts about how I could have been a better fur momma to Mrs. If I knew then, what I know now, I would have had her teeth cleaned professionally by the vet starting at a young age & I would not have let her jump off our bed when she was in her prime. At the end of her life, her mouth was in bad shape & her back was messed up by IVDD.

7. Triggers // There are still many triggers for Ryan & me. Little things like opening the garage door & not hearing her bark can bring on the tears. Every single time Magnolia drops food off her high chair & looks down to see it land, with no doggie to clean it up, pulls at my heart. When I open the door to get a package I naturally prepare to hear her barking frantically & the silence is hard. Ryan & I are constantly talking about her & missing her. I still look at the sun shining in the living room & know where she'd like to lay in the moment to feel the warmth.

8. Dogs go to Heaven // Go ahead and Google "Dogs Go To Heaven" & you'll find some comforting stories & articles. This one is sweet story.

9. Pre-planning the aging of a dog based on Quality of Life Scale // I was not prepared for Mrs.' abrupt passing. Yes, she had back issues & yes there was a time when I was pregnant that I thought I may lose her, but I still feel like I was not prepared. I never wanted to face the fact that a day would come when she'd have to go to Heaven. I usually turned a blind eye to her aging & pain. What I've learned from all of this is the importance of having a plan before a dog ages, an objective plan that lists what factors would lead to a decision to euthanize. There is a Quality of Life Scale that can help in making the difficult decision. I believe it would have helped had I been just a little bit less emotional about her quality of life. There is no perfect time, but this may help.

10. A dog's love // If you've been blessed with the love of a dog then you know how special it is to have a little soul that loves you unconditionally. Ryan even said, "I never even had to work for her love, she just loved me." There is scientific proof that dogs love their owners with all their heart & nose.
What they found was that dogs’ reward centers lit up like fireworks on the 4th of July when presented with their owner’s familiar smell. It turns out that in the barrage of smells they are presented with on a daily basis, they filter out and prioritize their human’s smells above all.
Dogs are the only species that when frightened, worried, or anxious, run to their humans for comfort, just like children do. They are also the only species that seek eye-contact with their humans. 
Of course I didn't need scientific proof to know the love my Mrs. had for our family. The love that will remain in our hearts forever is the comfort that helps us as we still greatly miss her. We talk about her each day & I'm sure as the years pass she'll still be a part of our conversations. Her tiny footprints made a lasting impression on our hearts.

I hope this helps my fellow dog owners in some small way!

Wendy Correen Smith
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Friday Favorites for Valentine's Day & All Things Pink

Hello to you! Love day is only five days away & today I'm sharing a few of my favorites from the week. Just a little pink & just a little love day inspiration for you.

If we had an extra $5000 laying around I know my sweet Ry would sweep me away to the Bahamas to stay in this perfectly pink beach cottage. He loves to travel & I love the beach, throw in beautiful decor & a private pool & we'd be in Heaven on earth. If you want to dream with me see the full home tour here.

If the beach isn't your thing, and you want something even more romantic you can find the most popular Valentine's destinations on Airbnb. I'd pick the artist's home in London. What about you?

Have you tried the V-day inspired Cherry Mocha from Starbucks yet? Looks yummy.

Remember pop rocks as a kid? I do! They were so fun. Make some for your babes with this homemade pink strawberry recipe!

Heart shaped Junior Mints & heart shaped roasted potatoes & heart shaped pink pop tarts! You'll need this to make all things heart shaped for the next five days!

I read this & wanted to share 50 Little Social Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Follow, this is more of a sweet reminder for everyone all year long, but we might as well get started on V-day week & show some love for all.

If you're staying in on Valentine's Day you'll surely need a romantic movie to watch on the sofa with your loves, here is Netflix list for you. And maybe you should whip up a Charleston Pink Lady to go with it. Looks so good!

I have an envelope with cash from Magnolia's birthday party & we're saving up for this pink kitchen. The gold fixtures is what really gets me. She's going to adore it, I just know it!

More LOVE day goodies for you.

Have a lovely weekend xo
Wendy Correen Smith
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Magnolia's Swan Lake First Birthday Party

On Saturday we celebrated our Sweet Magnolia's first birthday. Doesn't it seem like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital? On the morning of her birthday, the moment she opened her eyes, I started to sing her Happy Birthday. She was quite familiar with the song, as we'd been singing it to her for the past few weeks leading up to her birthday. All of her friends in music class had sang it to her as well, and it was obvious she enjoyed to be in the spotlight, as her smile grew & eyes twinkled when she realized they were singing all for her! One of our local news stations does a first birthday shout-out to all the babies & we submitted her photo to play across our TV on Saturday. As we drank our coffee & prepared for her party, it was quite the treat to see her on the news!
Wendy Correen Smith
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