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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Ten Grazing Platter Ideas For Your Next Party

For Magnolia's second birthday party I made a vanilla buttercream cake & a bunch of confetti rainbow colored sugar treats, along with a platter of snacks. The grazing boards are so easy & fun to make for any celebration. Sometimes I pull out everything from the fridge & put it on a cutting board for Ryan & I to snack on before dinner. It's a great way to use up all the fruits & veggies and any small portions of hummus, guacamole or dips that need to be eaten before they go bad. Whether you need ideas for your next party or just an excuse to clean out the fridge for some weeknight entertainment, I've got a fun round-up for you.

Wendy Correen Smith
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Pastel Colors of the Rainbow Second Birthday Party

On Sunday our sweet Magnolia Caroline woke up as a two year old little lady! The day could not have been any more magical or beautiful. This winter has been the coldest ever & the popular word for the season is polar vortex. Sunday though, Sunday was like a warm sunny spring day mixed in between all of our coldness. The forecast had said it'd be 60 degrees & cloudy & I said a little prayer that the sun would come out. The celebration started at one o'clock & at 12:30 the sun surprised us by peeking out from behind the clouds. The hundreds of pastel rainbow colored balloons shined in the windows making the entire party feel dreamy & colorful, just like Magnolia does for our lives!

Wendy Correen Smith
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