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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Love for Charleston

I was planning to do this post about our April trip to Charleston for a while now. Then the tragic and heartbreaking church shooting happened. I don't watch TV, when Ryan is out of town it doesn't come on, therefore I cannot talk about what happened in Charleston with much knowledge as I've barely exposed myself to it. Quite frankly, I feel like I know enough though, and the things I don't know and I cannot understand will not be answered on the news. When I hear about the suicide killings and the "hate" crimes I'm left full of questions. I wonder if this is a mental illness epidemic. Then I question if the hate has been taught at home, because I do believe that babies are not born with hate in their hearts. Then I consider the fact that our world has always had evil and darkness, but that doesn't mean we should just accept it. I feel like we should be moved to pay attention to the patterns and try to understand what is going on in the minds and souls of the sick perpetrators. I did see the families of the victims speak. Their Godly love and forgiveness is a testimony of the light and love that does exist in our world. And I hope, that as time passes, and the legacy of the victims live on, that we can all cultivate a love like theirs. 

On to a lighter note about Charleston. We loved our trip there. We stayed for three nights and every moment was filled with memories I'll cherish forever. There is a really good energy in Charleston. It's one of those places that just makes you feel alive. All the people we met were happy and friendly. Everything was clean. The food was delicious and the shops were fun to explore. I enjoyed strolling the colorful streets, hand in hand with Ryan, as we took in all the sights and sounds. 

I have to share a few of my favorite places with you. This place, called Carmella's Cafe and Dessert Bar, had an inviting glow to it. All the windows were opened and as we walked by it you could hear the conversations and laughter, and smell the desserts in the air. After a day of shopping, Ryan and I decided to check it out. We had vanilla cappuccinos and shared a peanut butter chocolate dessert that was heaven to the mouth. The atmosphere was exactly what I envision for our future home. It was full of bright light, fresh air, white walls, exposed brick, and wood floors. 

The Macintosh, we went here for brunch on a Sunday, and it was one of my favorite restaurants there. I had the best Bloody Mary with Dill Vodka. To eat, Ryan had the Chicken and Waffles and I had a delicious biscuit dish. 

We did lots and lots of walking, and I believe we worked off all of the grand meals we were eating. The buildings and architecture could have kept me entertained all day long. It was simply beautiful. I may have been more attracted to the pink buildings! 

Candles! They are my obsession. I can't walk by a candle without smelling it. Let me loose in a candle store and may sniff each and every one at least twice. Candlefish was on my places-to-visit list before we left Kansas City. I'm sad I didn't schedule a class for us to make candles because I really wanted to do it, but I don't like having an agenda on vacation, so I didn't. When we got to the store, they were in the middle of a class and I saw all the people learning how to make candles, I wished I had scheduled a class for us. I did however stock up on some of their library scents, and I got some extras for my mom and Ryan's mom. They smelled so good, I need to order more! 

Last, but certainly not least, is Moon and Lola. This little boutique was posh! The walls were all white - the perfect back drop for all the gorgeous jewelry and accessories. If I had a million dollars I'd order one of everything! 

They are on Instagram @moonandlola and you should follow them for colorful and cheerful photos of their jewelry and Charleston! Aren't they cute?

You can shop for all their glam jewels here

Below are some of the pieces I'd like to order, click the image to see more details about their pretty jewelry and accessories.  

Prayers and love for Charleston. 

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome. John 1:5

French Press Mornings has encouraging posters on Pinterest you may enjoy here, I do. 

xo Wen, Instagram @wendycorreen
Wendy Correen Smith
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Simple Living + Simple Joys

It's Sunday night, Father's Day evening, and I have my little doodle Mrs. PB sleeping on my lap. Ryan is next to me at his desk with Laney the kitty at his feet. I can hear & smell the laundry going, as it has been all weekend long, and Madeleine Peyroux has been on Pandora most of the day. The weekend has been a whirlwind. Saturday, in the scorching 96 degree weather, we moved the last bit of stuff out of my old house. For some reason, I saved my huge closet full of clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry, and perfume for the very end. Once we got it home, it was all placed on our bed, and I knew it had to be dealt with immediately. That was my sweet intention for myself. Saturday night and most of today was spent sorting through years of accumulated clothing. Much of my stuff had the tags still on, or they had only been worn once or twice. I have a car load of stuff to take to a reseller, and another three bags full for the Salvation Army. This process of moving and sorting through my possessions has been a long one, only because my house was on the market for a long seven months, and even before it was on the market I knew I'd be moving out. It was pretty much a year long move, and it has really changed me as a person. There was a time period in my life when I would shop every lunch break, and my weekends would not end without a new shopping bag in hand. I still enjoy shopping, and I'll always have an appreciation for fashion and home decor. The difference between now and then, is that I plan to shop more intentionally. I no longer wish to buy, simply to buy. My home and personal style has evolved and I often catch myself thinking about the beauty of simplicity. We've already painted the entire home white, with the exception of the bathrooms and laundry room. I've given away all decor that I know I'll never use again, and everything that I still cherish, like my grandma's treasures, are organized for easy access in the basement. I plan to rotate my belongings on a regular basis, it'll be part of my cleaning routine, and a way to shop for the things I already love in my basement. Ryan is on board with our new lifestyle philosophy. We often remind each other with two words - simple life! The great part of this new approach to living is that we are finding ourselves appreciating the simple joys in life. I just started to keep notes, in my phone, of the random things that make me smile. 
  • The cotton candy looking hydrangeas outside our office window. 
  • Vases full of hydrangeas all over the home. 
  • The smell of home after being gone. 
  • When my grandma blows me kisses goodbye. 
  • Ry will wink at me and I'll blow him a kiss each time. 
  • Opening all the curtains in our home to let in the morning sunshine. 
  • Listening to music and cooking dinner with Ryan, something we love to do together. 
  • The way Mrs. PB follows me all over the house, crying until I pick her up.
  • The gentle way Ry holds my hand in the car. 
  • The sound and smell of laundry going all weekend long. 
  • Freshly laundered cold bed linens in the summer. 
  • Eating fruit and peanuts on the back porch as the sunsets. 
  • The fireflies that decorate the black sky at night. 
  • The peace and quiet of being on the boat with Ryan, as he fishes, and I sunbathe and read.
Our entire home is Benjamin Moore - Snowfall White, and I do believe the purity of the white is the best back drop for our simple life. 

The cotton candy hydrangeas that fill our home. 

Sunbathing as Ry fishes. 
Our fur babies, Laney and Mrs. PB. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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Michelle Armas on One Kings Lane

Hello and good Sunday morning to you! Today I'm happy to share the work of Michelle Armas, a talented artist that creates the most energetic and beautiful artwork in her sunny studio in Decatur, Georgia. Her work has been featured on one of my favorite blogs, Design Sponge, and many other magazines and blogs. She has a pretty inspirational story about how she left the stressful corporate world to follow her passion, and you can read all about it here

One of my past clients has her artwork hung on their white mantle. I've had numerous people contact me over the past year wanting details about the Laura canvas. Understandably - this piece is full of the most vibrant colors and it will take your breath away when you enter the room. He found her canvas on One Kings Lane. Lucky for you, her work is currently on One Kings Lane this morning. If you've had your eye on her work, I'd suggest heading over there now to steal one of her pieces with a big discount, click here

Michelle in her studio. 

This is the Laura canvas

Here are a few other pieces that are currently available on One Kings Lane

Click any of the images below to be taken to the OKL sale this morning. 

Wishing you and yours a day full of happiness and love. 


Wendy Correen Smith
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