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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Michelle Armas on One Kings Lane

Hello and good Sunday morning to you! Today I'm happy to share the work of Michelle Armas, a talented artist that creates the most energetic and beautiful artwork in her sunny studio in Decatur, Georgia. Her work has been featured on one of my favorite blogs, Design Sponge, and many other magazines and blogs. She has a pretty inspirational story about how she left the stressful corporate world to follow her passion, and you can read all about it here

One of my past clients has her artwork hung on their white mantle. I've had numerous people contact me over the past year wanting details about the Laura canvas. Understandably - this piece is full of the most vibrant colors and it will take your breath away when you enter the room. He found her canvas on One Kings Lane. Lucky for you, her work is currently on One Kings Lane this morning. If you've had your eye on her work, I'd suggest heading over there now to steal one of her pieces with a big discount, click here

Michelle in her studio. 

This is the Laura canvas

Here are a few other pieces that are currently available on One Kings Lane

Click any of the images below to be taken to the OKL sale this morning. 

Wishing you and yours a day full of happiness and love. 


Wendy Correen Smith
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