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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Simple Living + Simple Joys

It's Sunday night, Father's Day evening, and I have my little doodle Mrs. PB sleeping on my lap. Ryan is next to me at his desk with Laney the kitty at his feet. I can hear & smell the laundry going, as it has been all weekend long, and Madeleine Peyroux has been on Pandora most of the day. The weekend has been a whirlwind. Saturday, in the scorching 96 degree weather, we moved the last bit of stuff out of my old house. For some reason, I saved my huge closet full of clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry, and perfume for the very end. Once we got it home, it was all placed on our bed, and I knew it had to be dealt with immediately. That was my sweet intention for myself. Saturday night and most of today was spent sorting through years of accumulated clothing. Much of my stuff had the tags still on, or they had only been worn once or twice. I have a car load of stuff to take to a reseller, and another three bags full for the Salvation Army. This process of moving and sorting through my possessions has been a long one, only because my house was on the market for a long seven months, and even before it was on the market I knew I'd be moving out. It was pretty much a year long move, and it has really changed me as a person. There was a time period in my life when I would shop every lunch break, and my weekends would not end without a new shopping bag in hand. I still enjoy shopping, and I'll always have an appreciation for fashion and home decor. The difference between now and then, is that I plan to shop more intentionally. I no longer wish to buy, simply to buy. My home and personal style has evolved and I often catch myself thinking about the beauty of simplicity. We've already painted the entire home white, with the exception of the bathrooms and laundry room. I've given away all decor that I know I'll never use again, and everything that I still cherish, like my grandma's treasures, are organized for easy access in the basement. I plan to rotate my belongings on a regular basis, it'll be part of my cleaning routine, and a way to shop for the things I already love in my basement. Ryan is on board with our new lifestyle philosophy. We often remind each other with two words - simple life! The great part of this new approach to living is that we are finding ourselves appreciating the simple joys in life. I just started to keep notes, in my phone, of the random things that make me smile. 
  • The cotton candy looking hydrangeas outside our office window. 
  • Vases full of hydrangeas all over the home. 
  • The smell of home after being gone. 
  • When my grandma blows me kisses goodbye. 
  • Ry will wink at me and I'll blow him a kiss each time. 
  • Opening all the curtains in our home to let in the morning sunshine. 
  • Listening to music and cooking dinner with Ryan, something we love to do together. 
  • The way Mrs. PB follows me all over the house, crying until I pick her up.
  • The gentle way Ry holds my hand in the car. 
  • The sound and smell of laundry going all weekend long. 
  • Freshly laundered cold bed linens in the summer. 
  • Eating fruit and peanuts on the back porch as the sunsets. 
  • The fireflies that decorate the black sky at night. 
  • The peace and quiet of being on the boat with Ryan, as he fishes, and I sunbathe and read.
Our entire home is Benjamin Moore - Snowfall White, and I do believe the purity of the white is the best back drop for our simple life. 

The cotton candy hydrangeas that fill our home. 

Sunbathing as Ry fishes. 
Our fur babies, Laney and Mrs. PB. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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