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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Wedding | A Few More Sneak Peek Photos

"Because you will be safe in marriage, you can risk; because you have been promised a future, you can take extraordinary chances. Because you know you are loved, you can step beyond your fears; because you have been chosen, you can transcend your insecurities. You can make mistakes, knowing the other will be there to catch you. And because mistakes and risks are the very essence of change, of expansion, in marriage you will expand to your fullest capacity. Within the shelter of marriage, you will continue to grow and develop, so you can discover your individual paths and offer your gifts back to each other and the world. Marriage, then, makes you free to see, to be seen, to love." -Unknown

If you missed our first wedding day sneak peek you can see it here. We are looking forward to getting all of our photos back, from the amazing photographers behind Bright Umbrella Photography, the first week of December. Just in time for Christmas! I'm excited to share all the details about the day, including our personal vows that we wrote for one another, our playlist, vendors, and our favorite memories. 

Cheers and love to you xo 
Mrs. Smith

Wendy Correen Smith
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Laparoscopy for Endometriosis

Monday I had laparoscopy and hysteroscopy to officially diagnose and treat my endometriosis. I was so nervous for the procedure. I'd never been cut open before and although the procedure is just three little keyhole incisions, I was still scared. I was also nervous to hear what the doctor would find. And ultimately our fertility prognosis was the thought weighing heaviest on my mind. 

Today is the first day that I'm starting to feel like myself again. I woke up and started a load of laundry and after I finish this post I think I'll turn on the fireplace, put Pandora on Christmas music, and paint my nails! 

I've felt kind of down since Monday. Maybe it's from the general pain and pain meds, or maybe it's from the fact that I'm hormonal from having all my reproductive parts worked on, or maybe it's from being stuck in the house all week. I don't know exactly. I've been sleeping a lot, and when I'm awake I've been researching endometriosis more than Ryan would like. Maybe I read too much. It's just my personality type to need to fully understand something, and in medical situations, I know it can cause unnecessary anxiety, but I do it anyway.

After the procedure the doctor met with Ryan to go over the two hour surgery (it took longer than planned) and show him pictures. He told Ryan the endometriosis was "bad" and that there was a spot he could not remove. I guess all my reproductive organs were connected from the scar tissue. We received some good news and also some "unsure" news. We have the post-op appointment next week and I'm looking forward to getting all the details and finding out what our next steps will be. 

Ryan had to point out that I'm good under anesthesia. Before the surgery started they warned us that I may vomit when I wake up. They were going to take every precaution to keep my stomach calm, but with this type of procedure women are known to feel sick to their stomachs. When I woke up I felt two things, my lower abdomen hurt and I was shivering cold. Oh and my shoulders hurt from the gas they used to inflate my stomach, which I was also warned about. My stomach was fine! In recovery I remember scarfing down a thing of Teddy Grahams and drinking a lot of water, but my mouth was so dry. Thankfully my stomach was just fine. She put something in the IV for the shivering and the pain, which helped right away. I was pretty drowsy the entire ride home. 

When we got home Ryan was the most loving and compassionate nurse! He helped me get in my pajamas, and brought me drinks and crackers. He stayed up all night to make sure I took my pain meds on time. He helped me to the bathroom. And wiped my tears a few times. The last few days he's had me laughing, to which, I must demand he stop because it hurts to laugh! 

As the sun is shining behind the pretty blue and pink sky this morning, I'm feeling thankful. Thankful that I'm starting to feel better. Thankful that I have an amazingly supportive and loving husband to help me through this, not only the surgery, but the monthly pain of endometriosis. Thankful for all my family and friends that have been checking on me and praying for me. Thankful for the medical advancements that help women with endo have children and live less painful lives. Thankful that overall I am healthy and completely capable of getting past this disease. 

I feel more motivated than ever before to implement the endo lifestyle that includes:
1. Special diets - ones that eliminate phyto-estrogens
2. Switching to chemical free cosmetics and beauty products - ones that are free from xeno-estrogens
3. Using natural feminine products that are not full of toxins (read this article from the NY Times
4. Practicing emotional health and wellness
5. Exercising, something I've never been consistent doing, such as yoga
6. Acupuncture
7. And, last but certainly not least, because it is the most important, faith in God and embracing the power of prayer and healing

This video had me laughing so hard I was in tears. Thank you to Women's Voices for the Earth for all of their hard work for women and for making such a fun video to spread awareness about things most women never think about. 

With love xo, 

p.s. On Tuesday our wedding photographer called to talk about the wedding photos. We will have them the first week of December - we cannot wait to see them! She sent me a few sneak peeks to enjoy while I was in bed healing up. I'm going to share a few of them on here tomorrow! 
Wendy Correen Smith
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