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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


It's a GIRL

I think I've started a blog post before, in regards to our baby, with I cannot believe I'm typing this! Well, we are in a little shock because we got a huge surprise this morning. We are having a baby girl, not a baby boy! 

Yesterday I spent the day with my sisters. We were talking about our 20 week ultrasound that was scheduled for this morning. My sister, Mallory, joked and said "what if it's a girl!" My response was, "No, that's not possible. The DNA blood test is even more accurate than an ultrasound, 99% accurate actually. I wouldn't have the Y chromosome in my bloodstream if it were a girl." Her joke didn't phase me, I knew it was a BOY. 

Ryan and I woke up this morning and drove to Briarcliff for our 8 am appointment. All that I had on my mind was his health! When we got to our room I was happy to see it was the same sonogram tech we had last time. I had guessed it was a BOY before the reveal and I was calling her a him the whole time. At that last appointment she started to say "little guy" because I was. When I saw her today I was excited to tell her that I was right, it's a BOY. She didn't respond to me with the same enthusiasm I had. She actually gave me a blank stare and walked to her computer. She then said, "how do you know it's a boy?" I confidently, but curiously said, "because we did a DNA blood test with you guys and you told us it's a boy!" Again blank stare. She started to look closer at her computer. I started wondering what the heck the discussion was for. Then she looked at me and said, "well your lab results say it's a girl!" At this moment I thought she was joking, and then the next second I realized this nurse would not be joking about this. I then said, "well, it's a boy, I've got the email!" Ryan walked to her computer and I followed. We both looked at the screen that very clearly had my photo, my name, my birth date and a whole bunch of information. I then jumped ahead and started wondering what results we got! I questioned all the "Negative" health results we received, to which she said was accurate. Thankfully the health results were ours and accurate. Then we looked at the sentence that clearly said "NO Y CHROMOSOME PRESENT" and then underneath it said "female fetus!" My nervous laughter started immediately! I showed her my phone and the email from their office that was sent to me, and it said MALE. All she could do was apologize. It was a human typo. 

The blood results are 99% accurate, and therefore correct. We started the sonogram. We had our baby's names picked out before we knew the gender. I immediately started to refer to her by her name and I kept looking over at my Ry to see his reaction. I should have been more focused on the ultrasound, but my mind kept wandering off to all that we had purchased thinking it was a boy! The biggest expense so far was the wallpaper and we can easily get that changed. My baby shower invitations have the wrong name on them, so we will need to get them changed. And all the clothes we have for a boy, we will return or save. 

It was a baby GIRL all along. She is the one meant for us. She is healthy and she is our gift from God. She is beautiful. And she has some long legs on her! Now my angel Grandma has probably had a good month's worth of laughs up in Heaven. She picked out a beautiful baby girl for us and we've been calling her by the wrong name and buying all this blue stuff and now we know. Phew, what a day to remember!!! Today, in this moment, I feel exactly like I did on the day of the Gender Reveal. I feel happy, shocked, and just in a state of "WOW!" We got to live a brand new surprise all over again today. 

At the end of the sonogram we did see between her legs and she is 100% GIRL!!! As we were waiting for the doctor to come in to our room to talk about the results the Christina Perri - A Thousand Years (the one I had on our announcement video) started playing on the intercom. As I started to get emotional, Ryan joked that if my Papa's song the Gambler came on next, he was walking out of the room! 

I got to have lunch with Ry before he went into work and he said the sweetest prayer about her and us. He mentioned the quote "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans!" 

Now, I guess Ry gets a little bit more of me in his life!!! We are in shock, but just as happy and excited and thankful as we were when we saw those BLUE balloons last month. Here comes more PINKS, FLORALS, BOWS, AND all things girly!!! 

Thank you for following along on our journey to our little miracle baby GIRL! 

With so much love and excitement xo 
Wen and Ry
Wendy Correen Smith
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