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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


19 Weeks Pregnant and Fields of Sunflowers

Last night after dinner Ryan and I took a little road trip to Grinter's Sunflower Farm. It was a beautiful place with 40 acres of bright cheerful yellow sunflowers! As your walking through the fields of flowers you have to look down to watch your step and plan your next step, as the paths are curvy and tight. I remember looking down as we walked, and then I stopped for a moment and looked up, and all of sudden we were surrounded by thousands of flowers. The first few times this happened it was quite the experience. The sun was shining bright, with a warm breeze, and the sunflower covered hills went on as far as we could see. 

I'm 19 weeks pregnant today. We are almost to the halfway point! 

My pregnancy updates are below. 

Our baby boy is certainly increasing my appetite. I've been eating way more than usual. And I'm gaining more weight than I had expected at this point in the pregnancy, but I've yet to buy any maternity clothes, so I'm happy about that! 

I can feel our little guy moving around everyday, and I've actually felt a few little kicks. I started to feel the flutters very early, at 12-13 weeks, and they are definitely stronger now. I feel him the most at night when I lay down in bed. He's also active when I'm hungry! Ryan hasn't felt him yet, but we know it's still pretty early for even me to feel him. 

We've started on his nursery! We have the crib and changing table, also his curtains are hung. The wallpaper will arrive this week. All the design elements are selected and I'm planning to order the rest in the coming weeks and months. 

My aunt has already started to plan my baby shower! It still feels surreal to write that. I longed for this moment in my life for so long, and now that it's actually here I truly feel like I'm living in a dream. 

This coming Monday we have our anomaly scan. I believe it could take up to an hour and I'm so very excited to get to see our little guy again. I think I know what position he is in right now, as I can feel the little kicks to the left of my belly button. We shall see if it is actually his foot kicking me!

Ryan and I have a few pediatricians that we are going to visit with soon. I know we should ask specific questions to get to know the doctor's philosophy, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to pick my favorite based on my intuition. We also have a birthing class that we plan to attend in December! Ryan is going to be the best hubby when it comes time to deliver our little baby boy, but we both want a class to help prepare us for all the unknowns. 

We've been ordering one book a week from Amazon. We plan to start reading to him from the very beginning as learning will be a top priority. 

As we were leaving the sunflower farm last night we were talking to another couple that had a little baby. Ryan asked how old she was and she was eight months. As soon as the couple walked away, Ryan happily said that next year we'll be at the farm with our baby boy and he'll be that age! I hadn't even done the math, but of course the thought put a smile on my face. Our lives are going to change in many ways. I'm sure there will be added stress, and lack of sleep, and time demands that we've never experienced before. I'm also sure that there will be added joys, and new adventures, and time will change. Time will be seeing life through the eyes of this little baby that was made with the union of our love. 

"To walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles." Mary Davis

Have a bright sunflowery day xo 
Wendy Correen Smith
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