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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


17 Weeks Today & Yesterday's Doctor's Appointment

Last night, after dinner, Ryan and I sat on the back porch. The crickets were chirping and the breeze was cool and refreshing. We were talking about another couple we know that is going through IVF. Then we started to talk about our experience. We were remembering the day of our egg retrieval and something the doctor said about my endometriosis that could have really discouraged us. Reflecting on it now, I start to get shook up thinking about how fortunate we are to have our son growing inside of me now. The odds were against us, but yet, with faith, hope, and unending prayer, we have our miracle. In the midst of our conversation, as we started to get deeper into remembering it all, I had to stop him. I said, "well it doesn't really matter" as I held my round belly, "our golden egg is right here growing strong." And with grateful hearts, as I was thanking God for the 100th time that day, we changed the subject. What we went through does matter, it matters so much, but there are days that the memory of it all can steal the joy of today. Everyday I wake up thanking God for this gift, and my heart and mind cannot think about our son without thinking about the miracle he is. 

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I got to see our baby boy again! He was head down facing my spine, because of his position it was really hard to see his cute little profile. The sonogram tech tried really hard to show me his boy parts, since I've yet to see them. Our blood test is 99% accurate, but we still wanted to confirm he's a boy for the fun of it. He refused! His little legs are right where I thought they were. Over the past few days I can feel his little feet tapping on my belly just below my belly button on the left side. 

All went very well at my doctor's appointment. I'm 17 weeks today! My blood pressure was good, actually it was higher than what is normal for me, but I can't help but get nervous before appointments. I've gained six pounds in four weeks! That is a total of 15 pounds already. My goal was to only gain 25 pounds all together, although I know I can gain up to 35 pounds and still be in the healthy range. I'm not off to a very good start (my words, not my doctor's). My doctor and I had a pretty long conversation about my diet. I knew it was coming because he's my sister's doctor as well, and he is very focused on diet and nutrition. He knew I was following a vegan diet pre-pregnancy, but since I got pregnant I've been slowing adding meat and some dairy products back into my diet. I've always been a high carb/low fat type of person. My diet has worked well for me and I've maintained my weight for over ten years. I love my pasta, breads, frozen yogurt, and cookies! He told me I need to flip-flop my diet. I need to cut the carbs and eat more fats. He said to eat cheese when I want a snack! CHEESE, I haven't eaten cheese in years. He said I need to add cheese and milk to my diet, eat meats, and of course fruits and veggies. My high carb diet can cause an insulin rush for the baby and that can lead to higher birth weight. And we all know what high birth weight means, a rougher delivery. He said he could weigh one to two pounds more than he should which means what should be 20 minutes of pushing turns into four hours! The high carbs also causes a concern for childhood obesity and diabetes. Let's just say I'm taking my doctor's advice very seriously. I'm up for the challenge, and honestly, I'm a little excited about adding different foods into my diet and getting rid of the pastas, breads, and sugars!

That sonogram photo of our baby boy's foot is just precious. I can't help but think about kissing that little foot and his itty-bitty toes! Ry and I have already started on the nursery. We are currently waiting for the wallpaper to show up. Once we have the wallpaper installed we will order the furniture. Next week, we're going to order a sign from House of Belonging, to hang above his crib. My aunt is already planning our baby shower! It all feels surreal still. 

With love xo
Wendy Correen Smith
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