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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


The First Big Purchase for Our Baby Boy

We made our first big purchase for our baby son last night. I plan to have him sleep in our bedroom until he's sleeping through the night. His nursery will be upstairs and transitioning him to the crib will probably take several months. I knew I needed something cute for the bedroom and I was planning to get this moses basket and stand from Restoration Hardware. It had been on my baby registry for some time! I was on Pinterest and reading blogs and discovered this white baby bassinet from Pottery Barn. It was more expensive than the RH one I'd had my eye on so I thought I'd check Craigslist. I really didn't think I'd actually find exactly what I wanted, but sure enough there was one on there exactly like the one I wanted from Pottery Barn. Talk about LUCK! Then some crazy cool thing happened. I made her an offer, a bit under what she was asking. She'd only used it for three months, so I was a little nervous she'd refuse. As I was waiting for her to reply I got an offer on two chairs I've been trying to sell for a few weeks. We really need to get rid of the chairs to make room in the nursery. I ended up accepting an offer on the chairs for the exact same amount I had offered for the bassinet. The bassinet seller hadn't responded to yet, so when I got the offer on the chairs I was thinking I really have to get the bassinet. I texted her back and said "we'll meet you tonight to buy it!" And she immediately responded with "deal" and we made plans to meet up at Target. 

I love finding deals! And I'm not talking about settling for something we don't want, I mean hunting for exactly what we want and finding it! That is the best feeling. 

You can guess who made the baby blanket and blue booties. My angel Grandma! I've had them in storage for years dreaming of the day I can pull them out. The bassinet is on the wheels which will be nice because I can push it to the side of my bed or into the living room or kitchen. The sheepskin rug is from Ikea and I think I need to pick up another one because they are so soft and perfect for babies. 

I've been playing music around the house the last few days and I swear this little baby is going to have a love for music like his daddy. I can feel him wiggling around inside of me, as if he's enjoying the tunes. It is really the sweetest feeling in the whole world. Another thing that gets him moving is ice cold water! And I drink ice water all day long. I think I've felt a few small kicks, but they happen so fast I'm not 100% sure of what I felt. I read that he's going to have a growth spurt over the next few weeks. I'm ready to see my belly grow more and feel stronger movements from him. 

I hope he always knows how much we love him. And I dream about all that he will learn from his daddy, he's a true gentleman, in every way you can imagine. There are so many things that I hope he learns about love and life and I know he'll be teaching us a lifetime of lessons as well. I can't express how happy I am to have a little guy, I like to say I get more of my Ry in my life, and that is a pretty amazing feeling. 

Here's to a weekend full of happiness and love xo
Wendy Correen Smith
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