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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Baby Cookie | Pregnancy News

We got to see our little baby for thirty minutes yesterday! Oh my gosh, I know I'm the mommy, but I think he/she is just the cutest little thing on earth. Disclaimer before I write anymore, I keep accidentally referring to the baby as "he, him, his" and I just can't help myself. We really have no clue if this is a baby boy or girl, but for the rest of this post I'm going to write him because it feels more natural to me. We will find out in less than two weeks if we are having a son or daughter! 

I went shopping for some new dresses on Saturday. I really didn't want to get maternity dresses because I'd rather have stuff I can wear after the baby arrives. I was bound and determined to find regular clothes that made me look pregnant and not like I've eaten too many cookies, cakes, and french fries (and all the stuff I am eating too much of, ha!). Truly, I have been trying to eat healthy and I wasn't very active first trimester. I was exhausted all the time. I'm hoping as the weather cools off and now that I'm getting my energy back in the beautiful second trimester I can start walking and being more active again. Back to my shopping trip, at first I was grabbing dresses that I would normally wear, and guess what, they didn't fit! I ended up trying on a tight stretchy dress and I had a happy freak out moment in the dressing room. There are moments when the reality that I'm pregnant will just hit me like a ton of bricks, and that's what happened in the dressing room. I think I was getting frustrated because I couldn't find anything that fit right, and then I saw my belly in this dress and it hit me how freakin' happy I am to be struggling to find dresses that fit!!! This dress is why I ended up buying only tight stretchy dresses and some new cardigans to layer the looks. The dresses I got are so comfy! 

My belly is growing faster than I had expected. And yesterday we got to see the miraculous reason why! Before we left for our doctor's appointment Ry snapped a baby bump photo. 

On to THE BABY! Since I'm 35 we are offered additional sonograms and testing. We aren't going to do them all, but we decided to do this sonogram and blood test. The sonogram lasted over 30 minutes. It was simply amazing to see our little babe in my belly. The sonographer said the same thing as our RE "you've got an active one here!" He was dancing around, waving, and putting his hands up in the air. At one point he was trying to suck his thumb and managed to punch himself in the face. Then he successfully put his whole hand in his mouth. Funny thing is that the baby was moving all around, but never once got into the position that allowed the sonographer to see the back of his neck (one of the main parts of this particular sonogram). She tried and tried to get him to change positions, but we have a stubborn one and he just wouldn't cooperate. With all the pushing and prodding she did on my belly I'm surprised he didn't move for her, but he just kept doing his own thing --- entertaining us. We met with the doctor after the sonogram and he said the baby looks good and normal and I'm healthy, but 35 years old! I get reminded of my age often. I pray the baby continues to develop normal and healthy, and that my health stays good. We are just very grateful parents! We will have additional medical attention, but we are grateful for that too. I think it's funny when the nurses and doctors are hesitant to bring up my age. I've never been one to have a "problem" with my age, as far as I'm concerned every single birthday is a year to be thankful for. I'll never hide my true age or birthday count! 

This is Baby Cookie saying HELLO to the WORLD! I think he/she looks like daddy here. 

Here he has both hands up, like "look at me mom and dad!" Our little busy body!

The sonographer thought he looked so cute here all nestled into my uterus with his legs straight up. He does look comfy and I believe this is why I'm already feeling his little itty-bitty movements! 

The photo on the right shows his little hand and fingers waving to us! Heart melting cuteness! 

Sonogram was taken at 13 weeks 5 days. We are planning a Gender Reveal Party in a few weeks, and I can't wait to tell you if we are having a son or daughter! 

Thanks for following along on our journey to parenthood. 

With love xo 
Wendy Correen Smith
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  1. Teardrops falling down my face. These pics sure do show the baby so well. He is opening his arms to hug you, raising his hands in the air because he is so happy and stretching those long legs out and building muscles to kick you very soon!

  2. Teardrops falling down my face. These pics sure do show the baby so well. He is opening his arms to hug you, raising his hands in the air because he is so happy and stretching those long legs out and building muscles to kick you very soon!


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