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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


The Miracle of Life

Hoppy Easter Weekend to you! 

I woke up early this morning, before the sun was up. I'm watching the sun rise over the pink horizon as I type this. Today we are going to the movies, last night Ryan and I bought matinee tickets to Risen, we have this peculiar liking of daytime movies! 

I hope we hear from the embryologist before the movie starts. If not, I'll surely be checking my phone the whole time, waiting to hear an update on our embabies. I know this time of waiting is only a taste of what it is like to be a mother, but I must say my emotions are already running very deep. I feel a love for the embabies already, possibly it is just the hope of what will be, it's a feeling I've never experienced before. I never would have dreamed - not even six months ago - that I could actually love itty-bitty tiny cells. The simple idea that my DNA and Ryan's DNA have come together to form the genetic makeup of our babies is fascinating. I doubt most people even think about this cellular miracle of life, and how small we really are when we start. I know I certainly never thought about it to this depth before now. Just thinking about the tiny cells in a Petri dish has reminded me of the very delicacy of life. My thoughts about life, faith, and love have been all over the place.

When you see how fragile and delicate life can be, all else fades into the background. - Jenna Morasca

That quote brought back memories of my grandma's passing. Her body was fragile and delicate, and as her body was failing, we could all feel her soul leaving and her presence was still with each of us even after her heart stopped.

Now, as we pray for the health and growth of our embabies, I'm being reminded of how delicate physical life really is from the beginning, instead of the end.  

No matter what happens, God's timing is perfect. 

Happy Easter, with love, to you and yours! 

xo Wen 
Wendy Correen Smith
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