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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Our Journey to Baby Smith | IVF Update

It's Fri-YAY and it's going to be a beautiful weekend. I'm actually sitting in the office with the window cracked right now. I love this time of year when you begin to anticipate and look forward to the changing season. And spring is such a beautiful time of year. 

We just got home from our Reproductive Endocrinologist doctor's appointment - we snapped the above selfie before we went in. Ry is taking a cat nap as I type this. Our original doctor's appointment was on Monday, but we had to change it because our embryologist had jury duty, so Ry had to change his flight home from Connecticut and he got home at 2 am. Our journey to parenthood is already teaching us valuable lessons about going with the flow and being flexible. 

Today we had our trial embryo transfer, an injections class, and we met with our embryologist. I was a little nervous before this appointment, as I didn't know what to expect with the transfer. After I was finished I realized it was silly that I even got nervous about it. It was super easy, I actually didn't feel anything. We thankfully did that first and then we started the injection class before meeting with the embryologist. We decided that Ry is going to get the injections ready for me each night and I'm going to actually do the shots. That's our plan as of now. I think once I get the first shot over with it should be pretty easy. 

Lastly we met with our sweet embryologist, whom we will be talking to daily after the retrieval. She will be the one to call and update us on the status of our embabies each day. We asked a bunch of questions about decisions we had to make, for example, what happens to our frozen embryos if we have leftovers after we are finished with our family. We decided that ours will go to research - stem cell research. The other options were to donate them or pretty much throw them away. Obviously, this is a personal decision for each couple, and fortunately Ry and I agreed right away with only a short discussion on what would be best for ours. 

I also asked the embryologist a few other random health questions. Like, is it okay for me to continue taking baths and using a heating pad during IVF? She said it was okay to do both. I don't have any lifestyle or health change suggestions coming from the doctor or nurses. Of course, I can do research online about health benefits and things I can do to help with it all, and I will probably implement some of the suggestions. It can't hurt. 

The next steps are: 
1. Prayers daily
2. Stop my birth control 
3. Blood work and ultrasounds - up until retrieval 
4. Injections - starting a week from tomorrow! 

The egg retrieval will be the end of March. The embryo transfer will be in April, my birthday month, and I'm turning 35!!! 

Tonight Ry and I are shopping for a new coffee pot and toaster, then we are picking up a RedBox movie to watch in our new living room. And since we still don't have a refrigerator we will probably eat out for dinner! 

Wishing you and yours the happiest of weekends! Thank you for your prayers and for following along on our journey to our bay-bays! 

Wen and Ry
Wendy Correen Smith
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