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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Weekend: Plaza Art Fair, BBQ & more

Every year I mark my calendar months in advance for the annual Country Club Plaza Art Fair - hands down the best Kansas City event of the year. My mom started taking me when I was in middle school & I can only remember one year that I missed it for something much better (my first date with my Ry!). This past weekend was a merry one with lunch at one of our favorite BBQ spots while Valentine went for her first grooming, the art fair, lots of time on our back deck, & a Sunday evening drive!

The weather could not have been any better on Saturday with a crisp cool breeze & bright sunshine!

Valentine was Miss Popular as everyone had to stop to ask if they could pet her with each person thanking us afterwards which I thought was super sweet. Most people ask about her breed, thinking she's a labradoodle as the standard poodle isn't very common. She did a great job in the crowds & was so tired by the end of the day Ryan had to carry her around.

We had the best french fries with our lunch as we listened to live music in the streets before wondering around to look at all the art, sculptures, photography & jewelry.

If I had an extra $6000 I would have bought this beauty. It belongs on a huge white wall with bright sunshine. Such a happy piece...

Our family selfies have taken a turn for the bad. Just when we figured out how to do them with our baby girl we added Valentine to the mix & we have some practicing to do before the holidays arrive. Magnolia's curiosity is the cutest & her question of the day was "what's that?!?" as she pointed up, down, & away!!!

We stopped in the children's tent after lunch so Magnolia could do what she loves the very most, ART! She would have sat & colored all day long had we let her. Santa's going to bring her a table & chair set so she can have her very own creative corner in the house next year!!!

When we stopped to have a unicorn balloon made for Magnolia, our Valentine had to take a serious rest in the stroller!

I never noticed this before, but Tivol has a doggie bar serving up ice cold water!

Other than being chased by bees & Valentine getting car sick & vomiting all over our car on the way down to the art fair, it was the perfect day!!!

We went out for barbeque while Valentine went for her first grooming. If you're not from Kansas City & you make it here for a visit, you must go to Joe's Kansas City. The line was out the door when we left because it's just that good.

Our Valentine Lollipop looking so fresh & clean!!!

Sunday was another gorgeous day at home with pumpkin clove candles burning, BBQ chicken in the crockpot, the football game on TV, and wine + beer on our back deck while Magnolia napped.

We ended the weekend with a country drive & more time under the twinkle lights on our deck as we got eaten up by mosquitos!

Now I'm off to make a Fall Bucket List for our little family!!!

Have a happy week & enjoy the crisp cool air. xo
Wendy Correen Smith
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