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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


19 Months

Our girl turned 19 months old on the third of September! Waking up to her bright soul every morning comes with the best surprises. She is just full of so much of everything sweet.

A list of random things about her right now.

1. She showers Ryan & me with the cutest little kisses. Out of the blue she'll walk up to us & just start giving us the softest kisses. Our hearts melt into a puddle every single time.
2. She loves chocolate! And her fruit chewies. She'll always pick chocolate over the fruit chewies though.
3. She thinks her puppy Valentine is named "Good Girl" and she says it over & over again all day long.
4. Magnolia is the happiest girl, singing & talking & dancing all the time. She usually talks herself to sleep.
5. Thanks to her new puppy we've spent way more time outside than we have in the past. The backyard is her new favorite place. Hunting for rocks in the dirt & just walking around the yard singing makes her light up with excitement & wonder. Her Valentine follows her every where she goes! She is covered in mosquito & chigger bites, it's hard to keep her finger nails clean, and her poor knees have taken a beating, but she is loving it all so much.
6. If we turn on a song she will immediately start dancing, guaranteed every single time! Ryan has been playing the song Orange Blossom Special by Johnny Cash for her almost every single day & she's a big fan.
7. The wonder in her eyes when she sees something new is the best. She'll point, make an "O" shape with her mouth as her eyes are twinkling & she'll say with all the enthusiasm she's got as she take a deep breath "what's that!?!"
8. I spy on her as she's getting herself down for her afternoon nap. In the playard she'll take care of all her stuffed animals & dolls with so much love & tenderness. She'll pick them up & rub their backs, kiss their heads, and shush them all to sleep before she accidentally falls to sleep herself.
9. My biggest frustration right now, because all mom's have them, is her new ability to get into all the cabinets that were once baby proofed. She figured out the safety latches & it's something we need to re-do for my sanity & we haven't got around to it yet. My kitchen drawers get emptied every single day. Oh & she likes to carry Valentine's water bowl across the house!
10. She can pretty much read the entire book Cock-a-doodle-MOO as she knows all the photos & animal sounds that go with them.

Happy September friends!!! xoxo
Wendy Correen Smith
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