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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


A Fall-ish Kind of Weekend

The cool air with hints of autumn arrived in Kansas City this weekend. The leaves are starting to fall & Pumpkin Spice Lattes are a good excuse to go for a morning drive in our comfy clothes. After we lost our October baby I mentally prepared myself to feel sadness with the arrival of my favorite season. I feared that I wouldn't have the typical warm & fuzzy feelings that refresh the soul as the cool breeze comes. Just as the seasons change the soul can heal. Each day I still think about our baby gone too soon and my eyes still tear up if I get deep into thought about what could have been. This weekend brought about a sense of relief. Saturday started with a chilly morning rain shower & afternoon drizzles. The sky was gray & the pavement was decorated with wet colorful leaves. We spent the day together doing the ordinary with happy hearts & thoughts of all things cozy & slow. The sadness I feared with this season didn't arrive.

We started Saturday with a trip to Starbucks & you have to try the Pumpkin Spice Chai Latte! It is Thanksgiving in a cup. We took Magnolia & Valentine to Petco mainly because we wanted to see how Valentine would do on a short car ride. She has gotten sick on her only two trips with us so far & we were hoping she'd be okay if we didn't go too far. And she did great! We have big plans to take her on road trips with us & riding in the car is something she has to get used to. We're so happy she made it without throwing up all over me. Magnolia & Valentine walked around the store with all the curiosity & excitement you can imagine.

These two could get into so much trouble together if left alone for one minute & 34 seconds! They both spotted the open container of water immediately & had equal amounts of wonder.

We told Magnolia to pick out a new toy for Valentine! And this is what she picked. FOUR stuffed lambs.

Once the drizzle stopped we headed back outside to enjoy a long walk on the trails by our house. The fresh air was everything we all needed.

Valentine was worn out & couldn't make it the rest of the way home. Ryan had to carry her back. It was so cute hearing him tell her to remember this moment!

When we got home from the walk Magnolia sat on the front steps & we had a serious conversation about life! She did not want to go inside!

Sunday may have been the most gorgeous day of 2018. The sun was warm & the wind was cool & we spent a lot of time on our back deck. Magnolia & Valentine played in the rain water & made plenty of muddy messes together.

Sunday night ended with bubbles baths & a movie on the sofa with my babies. Valentine has already out grown the kitchen sink baths. The faucet barely made it over her head. She's growing fast!

Our moments of calm like this are everything to me because much of the day feels like a whirlwind as I try to keep up with both of them.

Whatever it is that excites your soul this season to come, I hope you have plenty of it!


Wendy Correen Smith
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