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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Magnolia's First Easter

People always say that so much can happen in a year, and WOW is that statement true. Last Easter Ryan and I were deep in the middle of IVF. Last year I remember waiting by the phone on Easter Sunday waiting for our embryologist to call with updates about our two fertilized embryos. On that Sunday they were both doing very well and it looked as though they'd both make it to a day five or six blastocyst, and it was very happy news. The next day we found out that only one perfect embryo made it to freeze, and that was our GOLDEN egg, our sweet Magnolia. We loved that little embryo and dreamed of the Easters to come. We prayed hard.

This Easter was a beautiful one as we thanked God for our baby girl. Everyday I spend time reflecting on what a blessing she is to us, but on days like Easter, when I can vividly remember the year before, I spend a little extra time in a state of gratitude. On Easter 2016 we could only dream of the day we'd have our child with us and then this year she is in our lives and it's truly the most profound of feelings.

I spent several weeks putting her Easter basket together. Ryan and I found a GOLDEN EGG that we knew belonged in her basket, not only this year, but all the years to come. I'm still trying to think of a meaningful gift or tradition to put in it each year.

On Easter Sunday she napped all morning long. She's not very consistent with her sleeping schedule, somedays she'll sleep all day and other days (most days) she wants to stay up with me and make sure she doesn't miss out on anything. I actually had to wake her up to show her what the Easter bunny brought her and to get her ready for my sister's house. Notice the way the light beams above her to form a cross. On Easter morning Ryan noticed a momma bunny had built a nest for her babies right in front of our Magnolia tree. We always feel the love of our guardian angels.

Our house was full of fresh flowers as my birthday fell on Good Friday this year. 

We did an outfit change before going to my sister's house because the weather was absolutely gorgeous with the sun shining bright and a warm breeze. 

We spent some time on the front porch watching our nieces and one year old nephew do their Easter egg hunt. Magnolia stayed awake for all the fun and I know she's just ready to be out running around with her cousins. I, on the other hand, want time to slow down!

My mom, sisters, and niece, with the two youngest babes in the family. Magnolia and her cousin Oliver are exactly nine months apart. He was born right before we did our embryo transfer. 

 My mom made me a birthday cake and so did my sister! They were just darling.

 We came home and read Bunny Roo I Love You and then we went to bed with hearts full of joy.

The Easter Peeps Bonnet is by my sister Little Lucca Love. She has a brand new line of the most adorable bonnets and bloomers for our baby loves. Go see her cute stuff here

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter with your family & friends. 

xo Wen

We put the sweet little hot pink ruffle swimsuit in her Easter basket this year. I plan to put a new suit in her basket each year. Here are a few of my favorites. Aren't babies in itty-bitty bathing suits just the cutest?

Wendy Correen Smith
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