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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


41st Birthday

I turned 41 last month!!! And it's been a complete whirlwind since. The weekend before my birthday we went out for Japanese Steakhouse with the family and then back to our house for cake. This year was all about fun & simplicity. Balloons, Trader Joe's flowers and a last minute Target bakery cake. The weather was gorgeous and the kids did a lemonade stand after cake. The neighbors were so generous and they made $50 that we are going to donate to an animal shelter. On my actual birthday, Magnolia and I went out to lunch with my mom, did a little shopping, rode the carousel at the mall, and did 1990 photobooth style photos. It was a great day & also an awful day. The day ended with a trip to the emergency room after a trampoline accident at my sister's house. The ER doctor told us Magnolia's leg was only bruised and not to unnecessarily expose her to radiation. I was so grateful to go home with a wasted ER visit. After five days of her not able to walk on it we went to the pediatrician, who sent us for x-rays. After x-rays we got a late night phone call and found out she had a buckle fracture and needed to see an orthopedic. The following day she got a bright orange cast on her left leg. She's been an absolute inspiration. I dealt with major mom guilt for days, meanwhile she has been so optimistic and such a good sport. She's barely complained about it and has made the very best of a crappy situation. I am so proud of her and I hope she'll forgive me for not taking her to the doctor sooner. Ugh. My heart. In two weeks the cast comes off and I can't wait to see her dancing on stage again. Praying she'll be able to do recital in June. It'll be off just in time for the pool opening and we are grateful! Anyway, sharing a bunch of random photos I snapped on my bday for memories sake. 

I hope you have the very happiest Mother's Day weekend. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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