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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.



OMAHA!!! We spent last weekend in Omaha for Magnolia's very first dance competition. We got in town on Friday, grabbed a quick lunch at Panera, and then headed straight to the Omaha Zoo. Magnolia's dance team took first place for their Space Jam dance and they melted hearts on stage. Our little dancer didn't want to go home on Sunday after such a fun weekend full of joy & laughter. 

Had to snap a photo of this babe using her cell phone ring on her toe, ha! 

She's always kicking that leg, stretching and dancing. 

The cutest little baby elephant. My favorite part of the day was seeing this babe with it's mama. 

Eating breakfast in the lobby was this girl's number one objective. Feeling fancy is her jam. 

No hotel room baths because they gross me out, so she embraced the shower with the shower cap! 

Dance girls are loved like crazy by their big sisters. We are blessed to have the best role models for all the little girls. 

All ready to go on stage! 

Platinum and First Place for the HADC Sugar Baby team - WOOT WOOT!!!!

ALL THE JOY snapped in a photo as we headed to dinner on Saturday night after her first competition. 

Breakfast in bed for our little dancer. It only took Ryan two hours to pick up breakfast - story for another day. She loved it! 

Before heading home on Sunday we stopped by the convention center for Cotton Candy Dippin' Dots and to watch a few of the older girls dance. 

Hot Pink Kansas City sweatshirts from Pink Dinosaur

It was a weekend to remember and we are so grateful for a passionate little dancer. 


Wendy Correen Smith
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