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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


It's Official, IVF Sibling Cycle

It's official, we are doing IVF again!!! Yesterday, on the first of December, Ryan and I signed up for the early February cycle and injections will start at the very end of January. 
Our new doctor, Dr. Riggs at Blue Sky, ran every test under the sun. No kidding, over 300 tests just on me alone (the genetic carrier test was 274 of that), and praise the Lord I'm so grateful everything came back normal. The only thing against us this time around is my age and the fact that my 41 year old ovaries were cut on during the laparoscopy for endometriosis in June. He's not even worried about the endometriosis, he's confident he can get to the eggs just fine. Now we just pray and believe I have a few golden eggs remaining and we can make a healthy embryo. I'm taking all the supplements and living the cleanest lifestyle possible, something I've been doing for many many years. 
I remember when we did IVF in 2015 for Magnolia and the pure amazement we felt about the science that goes into it all. What I remember the very most were the prayers and miracles along the way. While the science is astonishing, the prayers and faith and miracles are life changing. I am forever changed because of our first (one and only) golden embryo, Magnolia, and will always give the Glory to God for the gift of her. I'll be sharing more along the way because I believe in the power of prayer more than anything else. I'll forever be grateful for the friends and family that prayed for us during IVF in 2015. And now seven years later, all three of us cannot thank you more for reading this and praying for a brother or sister for our Magnolia Caroline.


Wendy Correen Smith
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