Her little hand in mine. Oh my heart! The ornament we bought for her first Christmas used to be the one that made me the most sentimental, but this one trumps it now. We made extras for the grandparents, a keepsake gift they'll cherish forever. This is December magic!!!
4 cups all purpose flour
1 cup salt
1.5 cups warm water
I got her hand a little wet before pushing it into the dough. After cutting the shapes out I put them in the oven for two hours at 200 degrees. I let them dry overnight before painting this morning. Last step is a spray sealer & then a sweet ribbon, fuzzy yarn, or glittery pipe cleaner for the finishing touch.
This was my first time doing a salt dough project & it was super easy. My kind of DIY. We will be doing them again for Valentine's Day & Easter!
The little pink hand is the one Magnolia painted and then I added gold dots & red stars. It's such a gift getting create side-by-side with my sweet girl. Moments to treasure!
I hope this leaves you feeling inspired to create something special for your loved ones this Christmas season.
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