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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


IVF Sibling Cycle

I just want to bawl looking at this photo. 

There is a whole world of emotions swirling inside of me as I see the baby girl we fought so hard to have, now witnessing first hand what it takes to have an IVF miracle baby. She was about one year old when we started trying to have another baby, and also when I said I’d never do IVF again. It’s so hard, physically, mentally, & emotionally, not to mention financially. And here we are four years later, doing exactly what I swore I would not do again! This little girl went to my baseline ultrasound appointment and said it was “so cool” watching the nurse count all my follicles. There were 10 by the way, and the nurse said that’s exactly what they want to see (celebrating all the good news along the way!!!). She’s been by my side as I’ve given 20+ vials of blood. She talks about having a sibling every single day, and expresses her amazement over all we have to do to give her one.  She knows this is what I did to have her. And I’d do it 100x more for her. The phlebotomist we’ve had twice now is seriously the kindest and she may not know this, but the way she lets Magnolia help draw my blood, will be a memory she cherishes forever. IVF sucks but I’m forever grateful for all the amazing people we are blessed to meet along the way. We have our re-group meeting with our amazing doctor the end of this month, and we're hoping & planning to do stims + retrieval in late February. Praying and believing in another IVF miracle baby! 🙏🏻

I feel so grateful to be able to do IVF again. I know the road ahead is full of waiting and uncertainty, and I'm going to try and take it one day at a time. My heart is overflowing with memories of gratitude and happy tears because of this little girl right here. There were so many awful parts of IVF, but what truly stands out to me, the days I can remember like yesterday were the ones that literally brought me to my knees as I thanked the Lord above. The waiting was so hard, so very hard, but it changed me and I'm happy to be a mama that feels everything so intensely. 

Thank you for the love & prayers. It means the world to all three of us! 

xo Wendy, Ryan, and Magnolia 

Wendy Correen Smith
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