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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Do It Like the Zombies Do

The Zombies movies on Disney are all about dancing and singing and they were the inspiration for this year's Halloween costumes! The kids decided on their characters and costumes late this summer and they immediately started to put a dance together to perform on Halloween night. Magnolia was Addison the Werewolf, Addy + Lucca were Addison the Cheerleader, Ollie was Zed the Football Player, and little Isla was the Alien. I will match or coordinate Magnolia's Halloween costume as long as she'll let me, so I was a werewolf right along with her! Magnolia yelled "JACKPOT" from the wagon numerous times Halloween night as she could barely hold in the excitement over her growing bucket full of candy. Earlier in the night I told Magnolia to get me some peanut butter cups. As the night got dark and we were approaching home, she called me over to the wagon as she sang "ohhhhhhh MOMMY, look WHATTTT I got YOU!!!" Her little hand held up a full size Reese's peanut butter cup, and my heart just about exploded. She had the opportunity to get a full size candy bar for herself, but she picked one for her mama instead. I have a photo of it below because it was just the sweetest thing. Our neighborhood knows how to do Halloween and we all made some very special memories. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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