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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Part One: Magnolia is Six Months Old

Our sweet Magnolia turned six months on the third. It's hard to believe she's already six months old (almost seven now), but then on the other hand I feel like I've known her my entire life. Someday when she's older I want to tell her about who she was when she was only a 1/2 year old. Here a few notes of jotted down for her - about life right now.

1. Your first set of teeth made a very grand appearance. There were several nights when the pain was so unbearable for you sweet girl that you cried and cried, even screamed, and only in my arms would you relax your tense little body. I was so worried about you, I was scared you had an ear infection. I took you to the doctor and they said you were teething, which I already knew. Dr. Carter said within 4-5 days they'd break skin, and sure enough they did. You are finally sleeping better now. You are fascinated about the two new teeth in your mouth. You rub them with your tongue all the time. When I try to look at them you immediately stick your tongue out as if they're your little secret.

2. You love love love your little fur sister Mrs. PB. I thought that you simply loved dogs. Your daddy and I took you to the pet store to see the puppies and you didn't seem nearly as interested as we had thought you'd be. As soon as we got home and you saw your doggy your face lit up with happiness and excitement. I then realized that your love for Mrs. PB was very special.

3. I rock and nurse you to sleep every night. Once you fall asleep in my arms I continue to rock you and trace your beautiful face. I thank God for you over and over again. You are the answer to my fiercest prayers. Once I lay you down to sleep, I may go about my night for just a little while, but I end up missing you and go to bed early just to sleep by your side. When you wake in the middle of the night to nurse you usually talk to get my attention instead of crying. You are a smart one!

4. Just this month you sat in a high chair and a shopping cart for the very first time. We have photos of both your "firsts" and you very much enjoyed being a big girl with your new view of the world. You can sit up on your own and you roll everywhere. You put yourself on all fours as if you're going to crawl and then usually flip over to start rolling to your destination.

5. You love people. You try to talk to everyone you meet and you will reach out your chubby little hand just to touch a stranger. Watching your face light up with happiness when you connect with a new person brings me so much joy. I know you're going to do great things in the world. I can already see, at such a young age, your empathy and compassion for others. I've noticed if we are out and about and you notice someone you expect for them to acknowledge you, if they don't you will continue to stare and stare in hopes that they do. I call you my social butterfly! I cherish each day with you, and I certainly do not want to rush time, but I do wonder what you'll have to say when you learn to use words to express your soul.

6. We sing the ABCs every single day, numerous times a day, and I believe you are starting to remember them. We read books and talk about colors and textures and temperatures. When we go grocery shopping I usually let you feel every single thing before I put it in the cart. You seem to be the most amazed by touch. You scratch everything, even the walls, and it makes us laugh.

7. When I take a shower you hang out in the bathroom with me. I put you in your Baby Bjorn bouncer and you watch me get ready. I've noticed your gaze as I'm brushing my hair. Sometimes I'll stop and brush your hair with my brush so that you'll know what it feels like. You watch me do my hair and makeup, and I promise to teach you all about the lotions and potions someday! I'll put you up on the bathroom counter and let you look in the mirror and smell my perfumes, you like to play with the faucet and kick your little feet around in the sink. From your usual viewpoint everything up high is like a new world and you definitely show your enthusiasm when I bring you up to the new level!

8. Daddy travels a lot for work and one of my favorite things to see is your face when he walks in the door after being away. I captured your smile and bright eyes one Friday afternoon and I'll show you someday. He'll sweep you up and cover you in the best daddy kisses and you'll laugh the deepest + sweetest laugh I've ever heard. You'll rub his beard and lay your head on his chest, and your mommy's heart will melt!

9. Every night before bed I give you a warm bubble bath as the sun is beginning to set. After your bath I cover you in lavender lotion and brush your growing hair. You're almost too big for your nine month jammies already! We are slowly stopping the swaddle, but some nights you prefer to have your arms tucked in tight. I say your the lightest sleeper (like me), however you did once sleep through a tornado siren and our subdivisions 4th of July festivities (which sounded like a war zone).

10. Last week we had a total solar eclipse. You were taking a catnap and I was debating whether to wake you or not. Thankfully you woke up about 15 minutes before the total eclipse. You, daddy, our Comcast installation guy, and mommy, sat on our back deck and watched a once in a lifetime event in our very own backyard. You were very curious about the glasses we were wearing to look at the sky. The wind started to blow like it would before the stars come out. The breeze began to cool. The crickets started to chirp and the sky became dark. And for 30 seconds we experienced a night sky at 1:09 pm. You sat on my lap and looked around with your normal inquisitiveness.

11. You do not nap on a schedule and I do not put you in a dark room during the day. I've learned being your mom that everyone has an opinion about parenting and others tend to think I'm crazy for some of the things I do. I don't usually care one bit. People think it's odd that you nap when you want and that I don't really force it upon you. When you do nap its in the natural light of day and usually only for 30 minutes or less. You and I tend to march to the beat of our own drum!

12. Your daddy and I were eating at Panera one Sunday afternoon and we gave you a bite of smashed avocado and you spit it out! Other than a few momsicles (frozen breastmilk popsicles) you've only eaten from my breast. You don't take a bottle or a pacifier! I plan to make all your baby food and you'll be introduced to tastes around October. I'm excited to make all your vegetables and fruits with spices and interesting blends. I think we'll skip the sippy cup stage and go straight for a regular cup and straw, because I've read it's better for your speech.

13. You truly enjoy shopping and I'm quite thankful to have you as my little shopping buddy already. You are very curious about the new places and people. I see that you're a patient little girl and you just lay back with your legs up in the stroller without a care in the world!

14. You got to see the mountains last month for daddy's birthday and next month we are taking you to the beach. Before you're even a year old you'll have seen the ocean + mountains. Travel is something you'll do often and we cannot wait to show you this big beautiful world!

15. Your laugh and smile, with your sparkly blue eyes, lights up our world. Your daddy and I speak of your amazement every single day. We'll often say "can you believe we made her?" "you and I are a MOMMY & DADDY, can you believe that!?" "she's 1/2 me and 1/2 you!" Magnolia you made us parents and we love you with the deepest love that exists.

16. Every where we go people will stop to comment on your beauty! They'll say you have the prettiest blue eyes and the most adorable rosy round cheeks. You know they're adoring you and you'll give them a sweet gummy smile.

17. Your hands are normally crossed like a little lady, you'll often fall asleep with your hands on your chest with your tiny fingers intertwined. I know grandma picked you out for us in Heaven and it's to no surprise she picked a proper little lady. And you're love for people and the way you act as if you've never met a stranger is just like your great grandpa in Heaven.

18. Your hair is getting longer by the day. You have a patch of hair on top of your head that remained after you were born. You lost all the hair on your head except for this one patch. I told your Aunt Haley today they we need to trim your bangs and the hair that is growing over your ears. You'll be getting your very first hair cut sooner than later.

19. At your six month checkup you weighed 15 pounds 7.025 oz putting you in the 31 percentile, for length you measured 27 inches and in the 81 percentile, and your head circumference is in the 42.8 percentile. You've been measuring long and lean since you were born!

20. I still remember the days I prayed for you. I remember them like they were yesterday. I look at you and see God's grace and love. How blessed we are to be your mom and dad.

We recently had her six month photos taken at the Knob Noster State Park by Crista with Everly Photography. I'm sharing half the photos today, as Part One, and later this week I'll share the second half. There were so many wonderful photos I had to divide them into two parts.

Thanks for following our blog. Have the happiest week!
Wendy Correen Smith
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