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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Our Christmas Season

Our Christmas season has been an eventful one. After we got married in October we sold a house and bought a house! Now we get to start our new married life, in a new home, in the new year! If you missed our wedding post you can check it out here. And all the fun details about our new pink house are over here

On top of the wedding and buying a new house --- Ryan finished his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Central Missouri! I'm so very proud of him!

He was finishing his degree when we met and somehow he always had time for work, school, and our relationship. I don't know how he managed to do it all, but he did it with all the devotion, attention, and love you could imagine. While going to school full-time, he also travelled for work. He helped me during the entire wedding planning process and he helped his parents prepare the land for our big day. He was by my side when my grandma passed away. He took care of me after my surgery for endo with so much tenderness and compassion. He always gave his all while we house hunted! During all of our life craziness he still manages to be my best friend and my devoted husband. He's pretty amazing and I thank God for him every day! A huge CONGRATULATIONS to my baby!

Since the wedding we've had some memorable dates...we attended a wedding, we got Thai food, we shopped in the West Bottoms, went to the Country Club Plaza for seafood and to see the Christmas lights, and we ate Mexican in Westport (twice). 


We've celebrated several birthdays!

A large portion of the house is already boxed up. Ry and I got a real Christmas tree this year --- it smells amazing --- and we decided to keep it very simple. All white lights and that is it! We figured moving would only be that much easier if we didn't have a whole house of Christmas decor to pack along with everything else. 

Our fur babies are just as spoiled as can be. I had my surgery for endometriosis the week before Thanksgiving, and I believe Mrs. PB is really enjoying all the extra sofa cuddle time she's gotten over the last few weeks! On the topic of my surgery, I plan to share another post about our fertility journey. Documenting these days of waiting and all the emotions that I've been experiencing is important to me. There have been some pretty rough days mixed in with all the beauty of this season. 

The day we signed the contract for our new pink house we celebrated with Starbucks lattes and Big Daddy's Donuts

This kitchen is an inspiration for the kitchen in our new house. We are probably going to do the butcher block countertops. We cannot wait to start all the renovations in our new home. We talk about it all the time!

I've been on a major health kick lately. I'm going to do a whole blog post on my lifestyle changes. 

This is one of my favorite Instagram photos of the season. Ryan is my sweet laid-back hubby, and he rarely gets worked up about anything, but the mall parking lot the Saturday before Christmas was a mad house. You can see the look on his face reflects his thoughts of the mall this evening! 

We are going on a date tomorrow, one of the things I'm planning to get on our date is a Lavender Hot Cocoa from Dean and DeLuca. Doesn't that sound so good? Before Christmas Eve Mass on Thursday we are going to bake and decorate sugar cookies! 

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas! 

Love xo 

Ry and Wen

Wendy Correen Smith
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