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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


From a Sugary Christmas to a 48-Hour Detox

Our Christmas season was a SWEET one, literally. I love sugar and I love to bake. If I had it my way I'd have chocolate chip cookies in the house at all times. They are truly my biggest weakness when it comes to food! The week leading up to Christmas was all about baking yummy cookies. We are moving to our new home, starting this weekend (YAY!!!), and I started packing weeks ago. One day after packing I realized we had a lot of butter in the refrigerator so I thought, I should just bake as many batches of cookies as I can, to use up all the butter. 

On Christmas Eve before midnight mass, I spent the whole day in my PJs, and Ryan and I baked sugar cookies. They look like kindergartners decorated them, but we had fun, and they may not be professional, but I think they are cute. 

I've been really good about embracing a new diet - that after much research - will help my body heal from endometriosis, but I'm still eating a lot of sugar. I love a big cup of hot chocolate, but I will say I'm using vanilla almond milk instead of cow's milk, and it tastes better too. 

So after telling you all about my sugar addiction, I'll tell you all about our grand idea to do a 48-hour detox. I've always wanted to do one and surprisingly when I brought up the idea to Ryan, he said he was up for doing a detox too. I did a little bit of research and finally decided that the Dr. Oz 48 Hour Cleanse would be the best fit for us. I read all the recipes and made my grocery list. I set out to the store to stock-up on all the fruits, veggies, quinoa, tea, prunes, oils, etc. that we didn't already have in our kitchen. I spent a little over a $100 on all the stuff. 

We skipped breakfast on day one, we did have our morning coffee, and when I got home I made our "lunch" right away. Our lunch was sauerkraut with apples. It tasted fine. Then I cleaned and prepped all the fruits and veggies. I got the veggie soup going for dinner, you'll find the recipe here. All the other recipes are here. While the veggie soup was brewing we both enjoyed a pineapple, lemon, pomegranate, blend-free detox drink

The soup tasted okay. I can't say it was gross, but I can't say I'd ever say "hey, let's have vegetable broth for dinner!" again. 

On Dr. Oz's grocery shopping list he had Flax Seed Oil which I could not find at Target. I thought about going to Whole Foods to get it, but then I decided to buy the Avocado Oil instead. I've heard great things about avocados and fertility (just a little side note). For the veggies we couldn't use any type of processed dressing (NO RANCH dressing permitted), but we could use an oil. I made our veggie dip with the avocado oil, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper. It was yummy!

The almonds and avocado weren't on Dr. Oz's list either, I added it anyway. Mixing avocado and almonds together is very delicious! 

I wish I could say that night one of our detox went great, but it didn't! I thought for sure Ryan would be the one to jump ship and give up on the detox, but I was out before he was. By bedtime I was SICK! I took a hot shower and got into bed, and my head was pounding and my stomach hurt in a way it's never hurt before. I ended up throwing up! I couldn't believe it. I'm pretty sure all the sauerkraut combined with the large amount of cabbage in the soup is what made me sick. I ended up taking an Advil for my headache and I ate Ritz Crackers with peanut butter. I finally started to feel better by midnight and was able to go to sleep. By morning I felt fine and was able to continue on with the detox foods, but with major modifications! I pretty much gave up on Dr. Oz's recipes and did my own thing with all the foods I knew were nutritious. 

Instead of making quinoa with prunes for breakfast, I made flax seed toast with avocado and almonds. I also made a smoothie with blueberries, pineapple, strawberries, pineapple juice, flax seed powder, almond milk, grated ginger, and lemon. It tasted great. 

Lunch was even better. I had a whole thing of mushrooms in the fridge, so I sautéed them with the zucchini in olive oil with garlic, salt, and pepper. I made the quinoa and mixed in the sautéed veggies. I also added a fresh avocado and almonds. We used hot sauce and soy sauce to our delight. It was delicious and we both decided we'd eat it again anytime. I might even crave it! 

We snacked on fruits and veggies throughout the day. 

For dinner, on night two, I found this vegan pasta Alfredo dish on Pinterest and I wasn't quite sure how it'd turn out with rice milk (substituted for almond milk) and I couldn't use the parmesan we had in the fridge (no dairy) and I didn't have a vegan option in the house, but it turned out GREAT. Ryan loved it! I actually think Ryan enjoyed it more than I did. Oh, and instead of using peas I used broccoli. 

Ryan had a headache by night two! He never gets headaches, so I'm guessing it had something to do with the detox diet we were doing. 

I can't say I'll never do another detox, because I do believe in the many benefits of fasting and eating super foods, but I think I'll take it a little slower next time. I think I jumped in too fast with all the sauerkraut and prunes and juices --- and I didn't even give my body a chance to figure out what it liked and what it didn't like. We have a lot of fruits and veggies in the house still, and the teas, spices and oils, will be used. It wasn't a waste of money, and it was a good learning experience! 

I just ordered this vegan cookbook from Amazon and I cannot wait to start cooking some of their recipes. They all look amazing and healthy! 

If you decide to do a detox, just take it slow. Don't overdo it like I did. 

xo Wen
Wendy Correen Smith
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