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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Endometriosis | Ingredient Conscious Cosmetics

I've always been a health conscious person, but since finding out I have Stage IV endometriosis, I've been researching the disease a lot. Women with endo have an estrogen dominance, the xenoestrogens found in our food and beauty products are the main culprit. My fertility doctor has me on a medication to help my body block the estrogen, but I'm taking this fact a step further by making lifestyle changes to help my body in the healing process and to hopefully keep this disease at bay. 

Here are just a few of the changes I've made, and fortunately these have come pretty easy for me. 

  • No more animal products in my diet. I'm done with dairy products and I'm done with meat (with the exception of fish a few times a week). I could eat hormone-free meats, but eliminating them from my diet is easier for me. I've also found out that coconut milk at Starbucks actually tastes better than the cow's milk!
  • My body lotion is from Whole Foods, I'm currently using Everyone Lotion in the Coconut Lemon scent. It's a non-GMO project verified. 
  • My body soap is also from Whole Foods, I'm using their 365 Everyday brand in the Mint scent. 
  • Each day, after my shower I apply a drop of Castor Oil to the palm of my hand and then a few drops of lavender and frankincense oil. Then I rub it on my abdomen. I do this instead of applying lotion to my stomach area. Sometimes at night I'll use the castor oil mix and then use a heating pad. There are many studies on the benefit of castor oil and endometriosis. I don't actually do the castor oil packs, but I feel this daily ritual is better. 
My biggest challenge has to do with my beauty routine! I love my cosmetics and I've been using most of the brands for many years. The thought of changing out all of my make-up has stressed me out a little bit. I've been reading and trying to find organic, ingredient conscious make-up, but I've yet to start switching it all out. I just found out that Anthropologie has a whole line of ingredient conscious cosmetics. I've read all the details and now I have a shopping list of products I want to try. This swap will be a gradual process. I'm not going to go buy all of this at once, first of all it would cost a fortune, and I want to replenish my make-up as I run out with the new pure ingredient cosmetics. 

You can shop the cosmetics by clicking on the product image below. 

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas. xo Wen

xo Wen
Wendy Correen Smith
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  1. Currently doing the same with beauty stuff and trying to only eat organic and free range meat. Dairy I'm not as concerned with as it doesn't seem to irritate me too much. I have stage 4 endo too, and I spent the last 8 months being gluten, alcohol, and caffeine free and only have two failed IVF cycles to show for it. I also take tons of supplements and get acupuncture from a fertility specialist so I'm just frustrated that nothing has worked.

    1. What cosmetics are you using? Don't give up on the IVF, you'll get your angel babies. xo


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