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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Just Breathe

I had an ultrasound and blood work today as we get ready for our frozen embryo transfer (FET). This morning as the phlebotomist was taking my blood I noticed her tattoo "JUST BREATHE!" The prayer Ryan said before we left our house on May 17, 2016 for the FET of our Magnolia, was "JUST BREATHE!" It was a simple prayer, and the song "Just Breathe" by Willie Nelson was our song for our journey to her. After our transfer in 2016, I was wheeled back to our room & the doctor's office music started to play "Breathe" by Anna Nalick. Our prayer played above our heads the moment we got back to our room!!! I'll never forget how Ryan's eyes instantly teared up as we felt God working miracles in our lives and sending us signs of peace + hope + love. 

And then THIS MORNING to see this tattoo on our phlebotomist. I had to tell her the story about Magnolia, and then she shared her story about WHY she got the tattoo, and I had to choke back the happy tears. As if the moment couldn't get any better, IT DID. I got to my room for the ultrasound and I was happy to see my sonographer, a friend of my sister. Of course I had to tell her the story of the tattoo, prayer, & song. She looked at me with sparkling eyes, and said "you're going to think this is really crazy. I have a tattoo that says JUST BREATHE on my ribs!!!!" I told her I was going to cry. I held it together, but what are the chances that our prayer for Magnolia at transfer is on both the phlebotomist AND sonographer today, as we get the final news ALL IS GOOD for our transfer???

God is so good. This journey to the soul waiting to join our family has been far from easy, but it has been laced with so many miracles and signs from above that I can truly say I am so very grateful for this path we are on. I'm grateful we have to do IVF because I can literally feel God with us every single step of the way. Its miraculous and beautiful and emotional and I feel so blessed we get to experience it together. 

I was tearing up again on the drive home as I was telling Ryan about it all. I was saying I don't even look for these signs from above, or expect them, and then God is like 'here you go, calm your heart, I am with you ALWAYS!' Then my tearful and emotional conversation with Ryan was interrupted at the stop light as a bright red cardinal flew right in front of our car and landed next to us on a wooden fence post. 

These two women, with {our} prayer tattooed on their bodies, are evidence for us all to see we are angels and miracle workers to one another. We are all connected and it’s quite Heavenly to feel. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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