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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Magnolia Market & She's Nine Months

Ryan went to Dallas for work a few weeks ago, and he took a trip to Waco to visit Magnolia Market, just so he could surprise us with a bunch of Magnolia goodies. I've been burning their Fall candle all week, our whole house smells like pumpkin chai! I've wanted a new sweatshirt for sometime now and this one is perfect - it's soft, cozy, and it has our baby's name on it! I think I'll just live in it until April. New uniform alert. Seriously though, I already want another one. Magnolia also got a new onesie and although it's size 18 months it pretty much fits her (yes, I might cry because of the cuteness and the fact that time needs to slow down!). Visiting Magnolia Market at the Silos with our Magnolia is on my 2018 to-do list. I've heard so many great things about it. I definitely want to shop at the market, relax on the lawn, grab a bite to eat from one of their food trucks, visit the garden, and of course get a sweet treat from their bakery!

I've linked her adorable silver glittery shoes at the end of this post. 

Our baby girl turned nine months old yesterday! She is full of personality and loves to talk. I figured she'd start talking early on because of her frequent baby talk when she was only a few months old. She can say all versions of daddy & mommy, dog, bad dog, and yeah; all in correct context. I'm sure she has said "I Love You" and hi & bye before, but they are not regular words in her vocabulary quite yet. Her laugh can make time stand still. It is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. If she is with a group of people and they start laughing you can beat she'll join right on in. ADORABLE! She waves hello & bye-bye with a big teethy grin. She has six teeth already with a big ol' gap in the middle of the top two. One day we'd been out visiting with friends and my sister, and of course she had been around long conversations mixed with plenty of laughter. When we got home she was playing on the floor and I swear she was imitating all she had heard that day. She would start her baby talk and then stop and laugh, then go back to talking, stop and laugh. Whatever conversation she was replaying in that brain of hers was a good one and it was hilarious.

Another day Ryan and I had her out past her bedtime. Side note: when the clock strikes 6:30 pm she better be in that bathtub or things are not going to look good in the Smith household! It was about 7 pm and Ryan and I took a short drive to get Chinese for dinner. Magnolia was fussing in her carseat because it was past bedtime. Ryan jokingly said to me, "she must think this is a bunch of bullsh&%!!" Magnolia said "yeah!" from the backseat. Ryan and I both laughed & looked at each other with big shocked eyes.

She is a great shopping buddy and likes to sit sidewise in the Target shopping cart, but I'm completely okay with it because she can ride around for an hour+ just looking at everything. We go to Kindermusik every week and she is learning so much from all the boys in her class (she's the only girl). Up until last week her form of transportation was rolling, sitting up, rolling again to her destination. I didn't think she'd ever be a traditional crawler. Well, she saw the boys at music class crawling with their arms and so now she is too, every once in a while. She is just starting to pull up on furniture, but she looks like I did in elementary school when I'd attempt to a do a pull up. My sister and I have never done a pull-up in our lives, so she might be a little behind in this stage. We need to work on upper body strength, but she has the desire & determination so I'm sure she'll be accomplishing this nine month goal very soon.

Magnolia has an impressive attention span when it comes to books. I can usually read at least two long books to her before she gets restless. I try to repeat the same books each week simply so she'll become familiar with the pictures and words. Her favorite movie is Moana. Currently, she really enjoys playing in the kitchen with a mixing bowl full of measuring cups and spoons. It's shocking how long it keeps her entertained. We don't need Fisher-Price toys around here, ha! She loves drinking my ice water & if I had to say her favorite food right now I'd say avocado. I try to give her tastes of purees at least once each day. When I'm getting ready and curling my eyelashes she'll laugh every single time. She seems to enjoy watching me get ready when I'm doing my hair & makeup. Her hair is now long enough for clips and she has a growing collection. When she meets someone new she understandably prefers to warm up to them before letting them hold her. If someone tries to hold her before she's ready then she'll let them know her feelings of fear with big tears. I've learned to feel her out before handing her off. If she wants to show affection to them she'll gently rub their face. If we ask for a kiss she makes a clicking sound with her tongue. She growls when she's frustrated, yep, GROWLS. Ryan and I laugh often at all the ways she keeps us entertained.

When Ryan is away on business we FaceTime with him before bed. She'll laugh at her funny daddy and try to rub his face through the phone. As sweet as it is, I always feel a little sad inside too. I know she misses him while he's gone and he misses her, and it can be tough. To see her reaction when he gets home though is so very precious.

Our pride & joy, the answer to our fiercest prayers! To have her as our baby, a slice of Heaven on earth, is the best gift of our lives. We thank God each day & night for trusting us to be her parents.

On another subject, I just tried Zenagen hair products for the first time yesterday. I had the BEST hair day. My hair was full of volume and felt so silky. My sister Mal said it didn't look real. In a future post I'm going to share all about my hair routine & a discount code, but for now I wanted to share links below to what I'm using.

We are celebrating my sister's birthday all weekend long! I hope you & yours have a merry weekend.

Wendy Correen Smith
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