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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


A Jolly Time Of Year

It's that jolly time of year. I've got Christmas music on Pandora, fall decor on the fireplace mantle, a dining room table full of new Christmas stuff, and my sisters are texting about side dishes for Thanksgiving day. The running joke in our family is that all of us will bring sweet rolls because of a summer barbeque when my sister told every single person in the family to bring buns. And we did and we had enough bread at the party to feed 100.

Is it just me or does it seem as though people are in one club or the other; Club One says wait until after Thanksgiving to start the Christmas fun and Club Two says as soon as Halloween is over it's time to put up the Christmas tree? 

Thanksgiving & Christmas are both full of so much goodness, from gratitude to giving and yummy food to glittering lights, I cannot pick either club. I want in both! This time of year, this season of family & friends evokes memories of past seasons and anticipation for all there is to come. It's full of cozy wonder. 

Growing up the holidays were always extra special. My hope for Magnolia is that this season will stir up more joy in her heart & more happiness in her soul than any other time of year. I want her to feel warm inside when she sees me pulling out all the soft blankets from the linen closet. I bet the cup of hot chocolate overflowing with whipped cream + sprinkles will be her favorite sugar treat of the year. I can imagine that when the Christmas music starts - the day after Halloween - that she will be dancing around the house. I want her to know that when I get out the butter, flour, and sugar, that it's time to start cutting cookies that'll be decorated with the yummiest of frosting. It'll be special when she gets to spend whole entire days in her Christmas jammies watching Home Alone on repeat. Then there will be other days when she gets fancied-up and we'll take a trip to dinner on the Country Club Plaza. We may even take a carriage ride around the old streets to see all the most beautiful of twinkling lights. 

In the mail will come catalogs full of toys and I'll give her a fat marker to circle every single item she wants Santa to bring. And surely she'll circle all of them! Letters to the North Pole will be written and sealed with a kiss. We'll read Christmas stories before bed by the warm fireplace. We'll find the perfect Christmas tree from the farm & she'll help decorate it. And after she is sound asleep in bed I'll sneak back to rearrange her ornaments that hang much too low.

I hope that she anxiously waits by the window for the first snowfall, feeling as though she's inside a snow globe. Then we'll run outside and make snow angels and go sledding down a big hill with daddy. I want her to learn the importance of giving and we'll pick out gifts for other children and we'll wrap them up & donate them to a local charity. We'll decorate gingerbread houses, and eat all the candy, as it comes to life. I want her eyes to be full of sparkle + wonder + joy!

On Christmas Eve, when we put chocolate chip cookies & milk out for Santa, and carrots in the yard for his reindeers, I'll be holding back the tears of joy. She is the wish to our star & the joy to our world! 

I want to say thank you for all the sweet notes on Facebook & Instagram about our desire to grow our family. Your prayers mean so very much to us. They brought us Magnolia and for that we're forever grateful. 

I hope your Thanksgiving & Christmas season is full of family + friends, way too much food, and all the Christmas music and sugar your heart desires. 

Hugs xo 

Her Christmas pajamas are currently on sale for only $7, shop the post by clicking the images below. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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