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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Dreams Come True & Unicorns Are Real

Just like that our baby celebrated her first Halloween & I ate one too many Witches Hats. I don't know about you, but I believed in unicorns way longer than Santa. I always joke that someone forgot to tell me that there wasn't a magical land with rainbow waterfalls and beautiful white horses with golden horns frolicking in the wildflowers. 

This year Ryan and I trick-or-treated with our real life baby unicorn and it was a TREAT! We stopped in to see Grandma & Grandpa Smith first before going to see her cousin Addy that dressed as Magnolia's favorite Disney character Moana just for her. 

Our unicorn weighs 17 pounds, she has six teeth, a fuzzy white tail, the thickest golden brown hair, a shiny gold horn, and she has the sweetest most contagious laugh we've ever heard. I might even say her most favorite thing to do is laugh, because I can push her through Target and if she hears a group of people in the distance laughing, she'll wrinkle up that button nose and join right in with a sugar laugh.

Ryan and I thank our lucky stars and the dear Lord above for this golden horned creature from another world, every-single-day. Now that she's here in our lives, I believe again in unicorns and magical lands with wildflowers & rainbow waterfalls. There really is no other place a creature like Magnolia could be from!

I hope you and your babes had a happy, spooky, magical Halloween. Now enjoy all the skittles and peanut butter cups, I will be. Cheers to the next two months of sugar rushes!!!

XO Wen, Ry, and our Unicorn
Wendy Correen Smith
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