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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.



Reflections on motherhood, because she is FOUR now & I get so sentimental around her birthday. 

If I had to describe my mom & grandparents "parenting/grand-parenting style" in one word it would be FREEDOM. As a grown woman I see so many children (& adults) that are constantly seeking the approval & validation of their parents and/or another person. And it makes me sad. If there is one thing I hope Magnolia grows up knowing it is that we will love her unconditionally no matter what. I didn't now this as a child, but I do now, that having the FREEDOM to be me is a huge blessing. I read this quote & felt like I needed to print it out for our walls, I WANT MAGNOLIA TO ALWAYS FEEL THIS FREEDOM!!! She might not always please the world (actually I hope she ruffles some feathers), but I pray she'll be happy, secure, and authentic. I pray that she follows her dreams & the path God has set out for her. 

"Often times we are scared to grow because of what others may think. Afraid to stand out and walk the path God has set before us. It takes courage to be different. It takes boldness to follow your dreams. It takes strength to not be accepted. But rejection hurts too. I've weighed the cost and I'd rather be rejected for who I am than to be accepted for who I'm not. Freedom. I've chosen freedom!" by @marielaspeaks 

Baby girl....never shrink yourself to make others feel comfortable. Be bold. Be brave. Be bright. Be YOU. 

Wendy Correen Smith
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