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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


A Slice of Heaven on Earth

I often ask Mags what is her favorite thing that her & I do together. She always says "when we go to the park!" 

We've been locked in the house for days with the actual temperature (not the wind chill) being below zero. We love cozy, but needed some fresh air. Today we looked out the window and it felt as though we were living inside of a snow globe. The sun was shining bright and the temperature was finally above zero! I bundled us up & out we went. She made snow angels, went on a treasure hunt (looking for the frozen water balloons we put out yesterday), and then we went to the park! We went swinging together as the birds sang above us and the sun was making the snow look as though we were flying above white glitter. It was MAGIC!!! I think today was the most fun I've ever had at the park before. It was like a slice of Heaven on Earth. I can't say I've ever been happier than when I shut off my grown up thoughts and tune into her world 100%. On the way home she started a snowball fight, and I won, ha! Her ornery side is adorable. 

We came home & warmed up by the fire, took a hot bath & a long nap. Today was so good for the soul. So good. 

For all the ones wishing for summer, I'm not, we're not. Winter is just the best, no bugs, cozy days inside & then magic outside when the snowstorms turn the world into a glittery wonderland. Pool days do sound fun too, in the meantime we are soaking up this beauty. 


Wendy Correen Smith
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