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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving 2020! I think the "2020" in the title probably sums up our celebration this year, but for the sake of the memory book I'm sharing a "tiny bit" -- as our Maggie Mermaid would say. 

Our Thanksgiving dinner was very small this year, but we are extra grateful Ryan got to be home just in time for us to all to be together. He was in California for work a few weeks ago when he was exposed to a coworker that had COVID-19. By the time his coworker found out his entire family was positive, it was too late. Ryan had been exposed to a person that had yet to develop symptoms, but tested positive. He immediately went into quarantine in his hotel room before he started to develop symptoms & soon test positive himself. He spent 14 days in a San Diego hotel room overlooking the ocean as he waited to be "safe" enough to travel home. FaceTime & Shipt shoppers can be added to the 2020 list of things to be grateful for this year. Ryan was fortunate enough to only have a mild case of COVID-19, but the grave reminder is that a person can spread it days before (if ever) developing symptoms. I know that we all know this already, it's all over the news, but to see how easily a loved one got it first hand is incredibly eye opening. For us, the harsh reality of the transmission before symptoms & asymptomatic spread is the reason we decided to protect our parents. We did a small Thanksgiving with my two sisters. They are my "safe bubble." It felt incredibly odd & sad to miss our parents, but we know protecting Mag's grandparents is far more important than anything else this holiday season. 

On Thanksgiving morning, Magnolia & I woke up early and made cinnamon rolls. We listened to Christmas music as our trees twinkled. We had the Thanksgiving parade re-runs playing, which also felt very odd, but that's 2020 for ya! I made hot rolls & the easiest Cranberry Brie Bites. Before heading to my sister's house we snapped a bunch of photos. As you can see the sun was shining bright in Kansas City & our girl forgot her sunglasses. She reminds me so much of my grandma (and myself) when the sun is in her eyes. 

The most delicious part of Thanksgiving, other than my sister's turkey, was this chocolate pie from my brother's restaurant The Market at Meadowbrook

Always stylin' with heart glitter sunnies, red fingernails, bubblegum lollipop, pink glitter tutu & puppy dog tights! 

We had my niece, Addy, over for a sleepover. The amount of laughter, screaming, and sheer joy is always off the charts when she is here. Magnolia ADORES every single thing about her. We said a prayer before bed & the girls got to add in whatever they wanted. Magnolia's part was "I love my Addy girl, I just love her so much!" Heart melting moment! 

We took Valentine for a walk and stopped by the park. The weather was just gorgeous this weekend. Our little Capri Blue couldn't go with us because she needed a harness. We took a trip to the best pet store in Kansas City, Land of Paws, & got her a new harness + leash. Leopard print of course!

This girl was worn out after playing hard all weekend. Always up for cuddles! 

Up next, I'm going to share a Holiday Home Tour, but for now here are a few snaps from inside our home right now. I'm officially Christmas decorating obsessed! 

Even cheerful after the sun goes down! 

We ended the weekend with a trip to Deanna Rose Farmstead for an amazing Christmas light show. We all agreed the Disney Frozen was the very best of all!!! 

I spent most of the cozy time at home doing all of our Christmas shopping online! I'm almost finished & now it's time to wait for the UPS drop-offs and then onto Christmas wrapping. I'm pretty excited about this year's paper & ribbons. And a little tip, instead of using just ribbon, add some fluffy yarn to your wrappings!!! I stocked up on some beautiful yarns from Hobby Lobby. I can't wait to see how it turns out & I'll definitely share it here.  

Wendy Correen Smith
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