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2017 WENDY CORREEN SMITH. Powered by Blogger.


Our Circus - Halloween 2020

Hello Friends, and HAPPIEST NOVEMBER to you!!! 

Halloween 2020 was hands-down the most festive, happiest, spookiest, BEST Halloween of all time! Kansas City weather could not have been any better with sunny skies and 67 degrees. Having it fall on a Saturday with a full moon was the cherry on top. After spending a large portion of the year feeling trapped and fearful it was such an incredible experience do something normal with our family & neighbors. The kids had so much fun running around from door to door collecting all the chocolate & sugar. This was our first Halloween in our new neighborhood & let me say they know how to do spooky & fun. I took the kiddos happiness & giggles and bottled it up in a bottle to keep close to my heart.

Ryan, Maggie Mermaid, and I hosted a Halloween party this year, and we've decided to take this holiday as our very own and do a party each year. My sister & I planned a circus theme for our costumes! Dressing up with Magnolia was probably my very favorite part of all. I curled her hair just like mine for the very first time & we did her eye makeup with gold glitter shadow & mascara! It was adorable to watch her looking in the mirror to see her circus performer look. She insisted on black hearts for her cheeks & I love how they turned out. Her dress sparkled all night just like her sweet soul! I started the party 30 minutes early so we could get lots of photos & that we did! After photos we did Mystery Boxes and they were a hit not only with the kids but the adults too. The boxes included a witches finger, guts, eyeballs, witches tongue, a nose, & skin! We had wine + beer, cheese & crackers, sandwiches, and sweet treats while listening to our favorite Halloween music. There was a block party a few houses down & the kids had so much fun doing a few games before we headed out for trick-o-treating. I think all the kids agreed that trick-o-treating was the best part of all!!! It was so much fun & I'm just so incredibly grateful. 

And that right there was the very happiest of them all. Love this circus family of mine!!! 

I'm hoping to share some of our fall family photos later this week! And next up is Christmas decorating. I cannot believe it's already CHRISTMAS TIME!!!!! 

Wishing you & yours the happiest + healthiest November!

Wendy Correen Smith
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