Here we are, week two of home isolation. Magnolia asks me daily about leaving & each time I say we have to wait because there are a lot of sick people right now. Moments will pass and she'll ask if the people are all better yet. It's just too hard for her to understand. The hardest part is definitely missing playtime with her cousins & friends from music class. I found out today we will be doing online music class using Zoom, something small for us to look forward to each week. On Sunday we prayed at a time scheduled for global prayer, we lit a candle & held hands, fully believing in a miracle to come. And I also believe that as life slows down for all us, that life is being sprinkled with many more miracles. I hope that you can see & feel them all around you. This is such a special time. A time to take walks & breath in the fresh air, eat dinner as a family, do arts & crafts every single day, have dance parties in your pajamas, stay up later than usual & take long naps with your babies.
A total coincidence, over the weekend my sister & I scheduled grocery pick-up at the same Walmart for the exact same time. When we realized it, we decided we'd make sure to arrive at the same time. We had a good 45 minutes to talk to one another across the car window as the pick-up wait was crazy busy. Who knew something we'd normally consider mundane would end up being the highlight of the weekend?
Valentine's grooming appointment was cancelled this morning & now she is going to be a hot mess a month from now. She's still pink and we are happy about that!
Can't Stop, Won't Stop
Over on Instagram you'll find a fun giveaway we are doing with Ergopouch. Go enter if you want a sleep suit for your little one & the cutest matching sleep sack for a baby doll.
Yesterday afternoon, the teachers from the elementary school got together & had a parade in our neighborhood. They had streamers on their cars, and flags out the windows, and I Love You signs on the doors, with lots of honking & waving. It was such a touching moment I literally cried. To feel all the love during this sad time felt really really good. Magnolia ended up running out to the front porch, barefoot in her pajamas, to wave to everyone.
The current issue of Martha Stewart magazine has an entire section on the Magnolia tree & I had no idea that they are the oldest flowering plant on Earth. They're thought to be 145 million years old & stood among the dinosaurs. I cannot wait to tell Magnolia because she has an obsession with dinosaurs, she'll think it's the coolest thing ever. I hope you're getting some extra reading time in during home isolation.
I want to encourage you to take extra pictures during this time. When we grow old it'll be a time we talk about & having photos to go along with the stories will make it extra special. We know the saying, a photo is worth a thousand words, & capturing the magic of the quiet will be something very special to reflect on one day. And if you have the time, keep a journal to document your days. I'm using Instagram & my blog to keep memories of this time in history.
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